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(This was set on s7 episode 24, just pretend this was a scene on the actual ep as it would be soo cute!)

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days for Piper and Finn as their relationship was getting worse by the day.

Piper was yet to forgive Finn for missing his flight, that's when he came up with the idea of a grand gesture for Piper after Ozzy won his solo and that gave him some inspiration with his musical theatre.

He came up with an incredible bangers of a song and amazing dancing while singing and by Piper's face she couldn't stop smiling, she couldn't believe this was all for her.

In the end they kissed and made up.

But now having that space between them two at dancemania realised that they never want to spend time apart ever again.

Now it was the day of the finals and their relationship is better than ever and all they want to do now is spend as much time together now.

Back when they did their group dance and they had the centre of the dance and Piper hated she had to dance with Finn but now they are in the finals and now they are dancing with each other again they aren't gonna ruin this dance. Hopefully this time it'll be way better.

Their gonna kill it.

Right now, the whole team was in the green room hanging out together before they get ready for the finals as the show starts in 2 hours.

Piper glances over to her boyfriend to see him with Kingston, Henry and Ozzy and she looked at her boyfriend and smiled.

"You can go over to him you know if you want? I know after you two kissed you wanted to stay in his arms forever." Amy chuckles at her best friend and turns to Summer.

She looks at her best friends and smiles happily.

"Okay, thank you guys." Piper says as she gets of the sofa and walks towards her boyfriend.

Finn was talking to the boys by the window and immediately saw Piper coming towards him and all he was feeling was happiness because from now till they leave dancemania is just spend the most time with each other.

He turns to his girlfriend and then looks at the boys.

"Can we go somewhere and talk? Nothing bad or anything!" Piper exclaims looking at him.

He nods and bids goodbye to the boys.

Then both of them leave the greenroom and exit out and enters into the rows of seats from the dancemania stage.

He sits down and moves closer to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder.

"What did you want to talk about?" Finn asks.

"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier, I know that's hard to do that. But you really shouldn't of done that." Piper chuckles.

Finn chuckles.

"Is that all you wanted to say." Finn giggles.

She nods.

"Yeah but I kind of wanted to just talk with you because we've not been talking for 3 days and I wanted to talk to you alone and somewhere quiet." Piper blushes.

"I know, but I was kind of thinking to myself that you weren't going to forgive me, I had to do something." He says serious running his hands through his hair.

She shakes her head in awe.

"Finn, I'm so sorry that I put this stupid thing about you missing your flight towards us and nearly tearing us apart, actually after Ozzy won his solo I was going to find you and say sorry but for everything I caused you in the past few days." She says sadly and sighs deeply.

He rests his hand on her knee and looks directly in her eyes.

"You don't need to say sorry, I was the one that needed to say sorry and it all came out in the song all my feelings towards you." Finn says.

Piper bites her lips nervously knowing he said three words they haven't said in their relationship before and they've only been dating for a few months.

He exactly that she was thinking about those words.

All she could do is smile massively at him.

"Yeah you did. I love you too." Piper blurts out and gazes in her boyfriend's eyes.

"I didn't mean to say that I was so nervous doing that song, it kind of came out." Finn says nervously.

She shakes her head.

"No I loved you said it, I've been wanting to say it but didn't know the right time that was definitely the right time!" She smiles happily as he holds her hand and interlock his fingers with hers.

He leans in and kisses her passionately but this kiss was so much more love and meaningful than the 2 other kisses they have shared together.

"But you showed me in that song that no matter what will happen later on tonight, we'll both have each other and we always will."

"No matter what happens to us." Piper rests her head on his and exhales.

Finn nodded.

He kisses her cheek.

"Yeah winning dancemania would be incredible and you would go on a world tour, win or lose I will always have you that doesn't change by a trophy." Finn says as Piper giggles and he pulls her out of her seat and onto his lap with Piper pecking him with kisses, resting her hands on his neck.

"I love you." She kisses the back of his hand.

"I love you too."

He looks at his girlfriend and chuckles at her as he rest his hands on her waist.

Finn leans in and kisses her lips softly and runs his hands through her smooth brunette hair as she giggles in happiness.

"Lovebirds! Time for a team meeting in the greenroom." Amy shouts as Piper jumps and nearly falls from Finn as he catches her in time.

"Okay thanks Ames." Finn says as they both watches her walk out.

Finn gets out of seat and pulls Piper out of the seat Finn was recently sitting on and then he takes out his hand as she takes his hand.

She stands up on her tippy toes and wraps her arms around his back and rest her head on his shoulder as Finn rests his hands on her back and rests his head on her shoulder.

They pull out of the hug as she takes her boyfriend's hand.

And they exit out of the dancemania studio and into the greenroom to the rest of their teammates.

Win or lose tonight, they both have each other forever and cannot wait for the future for their relationship.

They both love each other.

You can tell the flight home from dancemania was filled with kisses and loads of cuddles.

hey hope you guys enjoyed! TNS8 is out in 2 days! im so excited. and other note 8a will be available after the first episode of season 8 ends! im gonna have it finished so fast!!!

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