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It has been six months since a-troupe won Nationals, while they won the battle against b-troupe after the studio break after Dancemania.

And now a-troupe have been preparing for Internationals immediately straight after for the past week, Piper and Finn won first place in their duet at Nationals and won best duet at the awards which the whole team wasn't surprised at.

And are performing another duet this year at Internationals which they are so excited about.

They've been together for three years and their love for each is just becoming even more stronger each day.

Piper's alarm buzzed loudly at 7:30am and slammed her phone by her bedside table, and then grabbed her phone to message her boyfriend while she smiled brightly.

P: hey baby let me know when you are ready so we can go to rehearsals and Richelle is leading it today so get your ass out of bed lol! xx

After she texted Finn, she got out of bed and wrapped her dressingown and slipped her slippers on her and made her way downstairs for breakfast and held her phone in her hand.

As she entered the kitchen, she saw her father getting ready to leave the house for work as he turned and smiled at her and walked towards her and hugged her. "Pipes! Good morning, you heading to rehearsals soon?"

Piper nodded while she grabbed her cereal from the counter and poured her food as she opened the drawers to grab a spoon, then sat down at the table. "Yeah, but not until 9am."

He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his bags and coat. "Do you need a lift this morning? I can go in later."

"Don't worry about it! Finn's bringing me in this morning."

Her dad nodded as he smiled. "Okay. That's good, have a great day, I'll see you tonight." He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and grabbed his things and left the house for work.

She exhaled and scrolled through Instagram while she ate her breakfast and still waited for a response from Finn, who yet hasn't answered. She was starting to get worried.

But Finn always sleeps in before rehearsals, so it should be fine!

Piper finished off her breakfast and started with doing her dishes and set them into the dishwasher, then walked back up to her bedroom and started to get ready for rehearsals.

Everyday going into rehearsals was a blessing and something she is forever grateful as this is the whole team's last year together. She has been with this team since Finn joined a-troupe, while her and Richelle are the OG's.

Then Piper got dressed into her dance clothes and the minutes went by as she was yet had to leave for dance.

It was 8:45 and she had to leave for rehearsals now. A nervous feeling grew in her stomach as she felt something bad has happened.

So she called her best friend to bring her to dance, as soon they arrived she texted her boyfriend one more time. Maybe he's missed his alarm, or something bad has happened in the worst way possible.

P: Amy just brought me to rehearsals, pls let me know if you're okay. I'm worrying!! xxx

"Piper, don't be worrying about Finn. He will show up, he's probably missed his alarms or something." Amy says as they enter Studio A and sees the rest of their teammates warming up for rehearsals.

A-troupe eyed towards Piper. "Where's Finn Piper? Rehearsals is about start." Richelle asked her and rested her hand on her hips.

She tapped her phone and no response from her boyfriend has yet appeared on her phone. "I have no idea. But I guess we can start warming up and he'll come and join in when he arrives."

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