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It has been months since everyone have been together in the studio, standing beside the shimmery, glittery chandelier.

Actually, it's been a year and 3 months.

Piper and Finn are finally out of long-distance, yes it was tough at sometimes. But it just made their relationship so much stronger, and you didn't even want to see them reuniting at the airport as it was very emotional.

Finn was amazing in radiation, and Piper even flew over to England to see him perform on tour, and she was so proud of him achieving his dream on stage, in front of millions of people.

But for Piper, New York has been her dream since she was a little kid and even Finn knew it the exact moment they'd met, but when she got there with Amy, it just felt so perfect, but then when the weeks went in of long-distance.

She couldn't cope with this anymore, not seeing him everyday, not hugging or kissing him felt like a breakup.

When that moment came when the tour was over, Piper was so ecstatic that she'll get to run into her boyfriends arms after a year just felt magical and she never wants to do it again.

But the most happiest thing that Piper felt in that moment was that she was back in his arms and will never let him go ever.

New York was an exciting and tough time in her life, but she could do it again, because Amy is right and is always right, those 365 days flew by.

And exactly when Finn arrived back at Piper's home, her mother giving him the big roast dinner she planned for him at the start of their long-distance.

That's when both of them thought it was the perfect time to think about start looking at houses to live in together, as they were apart for too long.

Both of them are going to start looking at houses right here in Toronto, after Christmas.

But tonight is the Christmas party with all of her best friends, and it has been difficult not seeing them everyday. So everyone's so excited to see everyone tonight after a year.

Finn lies down on his bed on Facetime with the bros, talking about tonight.

"Oh my god! Ozzy you got Richelle, finally after 5 years! Congrats!" Finn exclaims.

Ozzy chuckles as Henry, Finn, Kingston and Heath cheer in the background and he rolls his eyes at them.

He smiled and turned to look at his friends. "Thanks bro."

"Okay, how long and when did you get together mate?" Henry says.

He turned to him and smiled. "About a month now, and it was when a-troupe won nationals, it's been going amazing so far at the moment. She's my everything."

They smiled at him happily as they have never seen him this happy ever before, they applaud him for actually getting Richelle in the end.

Even Richelle couldn't resist being with him.

"But it was really hard before we got together as I was dating Cassidy at that point and then Richelle was acting so weird after the National auditions and after that dance we did together." Ozzy says.

"And then she was giving me signals to break up with her, I just don't know how I didn't realize all of this was her being jealous was because she liked me."

Henry shook his head and chuckled.

"Richelle being jealous, is that even her." He laughed.

"But bro, come on you always liked Richelle." Kingston said as they all agreed.

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