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Rehearsals has been going really smoothly, but of course drama coming their way from Tea_AraBling comes and brings drama to the studio.

And the mole hasn't been revealed yet which is freaking out the team majorly as when it has been announced, the team will probably fall apart as it may be someone on the team.

But the worst thing is that Piper hasn't even told Finn about New York and is stressing out because she has no idea how to tell him.

Piper needs to tell him sooner or it will be announced on the phones..

They are in the middle of rehearsals as everyone's phones ping and you know what that means.

"Hi dance fans. It's Tea_EraBling here, with new intel from my insider at The Next Step. He says that it seems that as though Piper and Amy might be abandoning ship. They've got their sights set on moving to the Big Apple, New York City, and I can't blame them. Get out of there while you can, ladies, and fresh start somewhere new." She says as the whole team turns to Piper and Amy.

Richelle rolls her eyes.

"Amy, Piper is this true?" Richelle says.

She looks at Amy and nods their heads honestly.

"It is..but we don't know if it's going to work, It was all going to happen after Step Inside!" Piper exclaims looking at her teammates.

Piper turns to her boyfriend as he looks hurt, confused, conflicted and mostly angry.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me?!" Finn says angrily.

She sighs deeply.

"Finn I was going to tell you, but I couldn't find the time, I'm so sorry." She says walking towards him resting her hand on his shoulder.

He shrugs her hand away from his shoulder. "But you have time to tell Amy, I'm your boyfriend Pipes, I still cannot believe you never told me your moving to New York." Finn scoffs and walks out of the room.

Piper sighs.

Now Finn's fuming and the whole team thinks that her and Amy are moving to New York.

"Okay take 10 guys and Piper get Finn back before we start again." Richelle demands as the whole team walks out.

Piper sits down on one of the benches and rests her hand on her face sighing deeply as Amy rests her hand on her back.

"Piper this isn't your fault. Finn will come around, I promise." Amy promises at her.

She shakes her head.

"No he seemed so angry, I feel so bad Ames, I mean if I think about it, he's my boyfriend I should of told him before anyone, I just thought it wasn't that big of a deal." Piper says.

Amy nodded.

"Yeah maybe."

"I shouldn't even brought up New York before I told him, now I feel awful." She throws her arms out.

Amy sits down next to her and rests her head on her shoulder and sighs.

"Go and talk to him and tell him everything Pipes." Amy says.

Piper nodded as she ran out and tried to search for her boyfriend.

She needs to make it up for him.

Then she enters at Middle C and sits down and texts Finn to meet her at the place, so they can talk everything out.

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