Step Inside

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(This is a spoiler for season 8 episode 13, so if you haven't watched s8 in general it will contain loads of content from s8 obvs I made some of the plots in my own way!!)

Today was the last dance of the entire show.

But Step Inside has been a total success as the viewers are getting more and more. And that's amazing, it will be so good for Moxie and then the whole team can go pro.

Maybe not anymore as Amy could be going to her dream school in New York and Piper also going to New York as well to move in with her brother, James and Riley, then Kingston getting the role in a movie in London and also Ozzy working with his Uncle Tony.

So going pro may not happen at all.

But all Finn is thinking what will happen to his and Piper's relationship.

But he and the guys absolutely killed the 'keep your lips shut' HipHop dance that Shad was supposed to sing, but then Kingston took the role as that.

You can definitely see a music career from him.

They came running back into the wings to find Piper waiting for him with the most happiest look on her face so proud of her boyfriend.

He immediately sees her and picks her up and spins her around.

"Finn you killed that." Piper exclaims and looks into his eyes, smiling happily.

He turns and looks at her. "Thanks."

"I knew you would!" She beams excitedly.

Her smile fades away and bites her lips anxiously knowing she desperately needs to tell Finn something.

Finn looks at her concerned.

"Somethings up though." He said.

"I need to tell you something Finn, I should of told you sooner and I'm so sorry that we had that whole fig-" Piper blurts.

Finn smiles and grabs her hands.

"I know you want to go to New York Pipes, we've already talked about this." Finn cuts her off, shaking his head.

"And I want you to go to fight for your dreams."

Piper joyfully smiled.

She couldn't be more happier having such a supportive boyfriend.

"Finn, I've been dreaming about going to New York and when I'm their I might want to see if it's something I might want to do, and I might want to go with her." She deeply exhales.

"But something does worry me about me going." Piper sighs.


She sighs lightly.

"I'm worried about our relationship, we've been so strong this year and me going away for a year I'm worried about doing long distance, I don't want to lose you." Piper says as a tear falls down her face.

He wipes away her tears with his thumb and rests his head on hers.

"No matter what happens, we will always find a way to stay together even if Tea AraBling tries to ruin it for us. And we will text and facetime each other as much as we can and I can promise you that you'll never lose me, we are going to be together forever." Finn says and wraps his arms around her back and kisses her lips.

Piper nodded and leans her head on his.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." Finn chuckles and kisses her softly.

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