Christmas Decorating

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Both Piper and Finn have happily moved into an apartment together in the last couple of weeks, and are the most happiest.

And more in love with each other.

Finn is a HipHop teacher, as Piper is living her dream as being a professional dancer.

And since they left the studio a couple years ago, Finn went on tour with his favourite HipHop crew, and Piper visiting New York and joining a dance school. They finally came back to each other and made the decision to move in together.

But they both think it was the perfect thing to do whenever Finn got back.

Now it is the Christmas holidays, their first Christmas living together.

This Christmas is going to be magical.

It has just turned into December and a tradition both Piper and Finn do is that they always decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the house in Christmas pyjamas that she has recently bought.

And blast the house with Christmas music all day until Finn is sick of it and goes away to play video games with the guys and Piper partying in the living room, dancing around all evening.

December has finally approached and is the first day of the month!

Piper is so ecstatic that she'll be spending Christmas with her boyfriend for the first time in their new house.

Moving in at 20 sounds like a risky move, but for Piper and Finn, it felt so right.

They couldn't even cared what other people thought.

Finn groaned tiredly as he woke up and checked his phone and sat it next to his bedside table, and wrapped his arms around Piper as she smiled softly.

"Hey." Piper said as Finn chuckled and rested his toasty head on hers.

"Hey babe." He says and kisses her forehead.

She exhaled and rested her head on Finn smelling the cologne from the day before, until she gasped deeply.

He turned to her concerned and touched her shoulder.

"Pipes you okay?"

She nodded and excitedly smiled. "It's December 1st!" Piper exclaims and kissed him deeply.

Finn turned to his girlfriend and chuckled, he loved seeing her so excited for Christmas each year, it really meant a lot to her.

Piper rolled out of bed quickly, put her slippers on, then her dressingown and ran into the kitchen as he followed her a few moments later.

He walked in and saw her making some pancakes which was for Finn and her.

Finn ran forward to Piper and rested his head on her and planted kisses on her lips softly.

"Babe." She giggled and turned over to him as Finn rested his hands on his hips and gazed into her eyes.

"What you doing today?" Finn asked her.

Piper exhaled and looked at him. "Probably going to start and get the Christmas decorations and then put the tree up after breakfast."

He nodded.

"Well I'll can get the tree and the decorations out of the garage now." Finn says.

Piper nodded and smiled excitedly.

"Oh, I love you." She groans.

He raised his eyebrows at her and smiled. "I know."

"Okay I'll be back in ten minutes Pipes." He kissed her head and walked out of the house.

A few moments he walked back in with loads of sort of Christmas decorations like, a giant tree, tinsel, Santa hats, and fairy lights.

Piper turned over and squealed excitedly and ran over and took the decorations from his hand and set it on the couch and the Christmas tree in the box on the floor.

"Ugh now I'm so hungry Pipes."

"Come on, I still have the pancakes I made." Piper says and pulled him off the couch and into the kitchen.

She gave him the last set of the pancakes as he took in and sighed.

"Piper Rose Chaves! You gotta teach me how to do these." Finn exclaimed and squeezed her hand tightly.

He turned to her as she chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, I will, when you get off work for the Christmas holidays."

"No, how about this weekend so on Christmas I can make you pancakes on Christmas."

Piper smiled.

"Deal." She shook his hand and kissed his cheek.

"I need to finish my coffee and then after we'll get in our Christmas pyjamas and put up the tree and the decorations."

"Yeah that's fine. Don't even worry about it." Finn says.

"Hey! That's in my family catchphrase!" Piper joked.

"Well I'm technically in your family as we live together now." Finn chuckled.

"I'm just kidding." Piper giggled as Finn rolled his eye playfully.

About an hour later, Finn helped Piper take out the Christmas tree out of the box as they are in their matching Christmas pyjamas.

"Awe, I love these pyjamas so much." Piper exclaimed.

Finn smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"Even if I have to admit, I love this tradition."

"See it's a cute thing to do as our first Christmas together."

Piper got all of the baubles for the tree as Finn made sure the tree was in good condition.

"Yep I got the tree looking good, so now we just have to put the lights and baubles on!"

She smiled and handed the box of decorations to him as they stood up and started to wrap the lights around the tree.

"Nearly there." Finn sighed tiredly.

Finally after a long time after wrapping the lights around the tree, it turned out to look amazing.

Then they both put the baubles on the Christmas tree.

After the long lead coming up to the holidays, the tree is finally done and it looks lovely with the lights and decorations around the house.

"I love this." Piper says.

"I love you." Finn says and leans in and kisses her passionately as he wraps his arms around her neck and into her hair.

Piper tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and looks at Finn.

"Our first Christmas together loads more ahead of us." He says and smiled.

"Let's dance!"

"Let's do it!" Finn says as he holds her hand.

Piper nodded as she put on Christmas music from her phone and leant her face against his chest and held his hand as they swayed to the music.

Finn turned over and gazed into her and kissed her lips as she smiled against his lips.

Their first Christmas together is going to be incredible.

ugh this is awful, anyways hope you enjoyeddd! I'm finally off for xmas so hopefully the updates will be better. And thank you so much for 2K I'm literally so grateful for each view I get thank u sm.

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