Holding Back

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A lot has happened since Piper and Finn reunited from long-distance as Finn was on tour with radiation and Piper lived in New York for a while with James.

One year later, they both finally reunited from their very long and hard year of long-distance, and Piper and Finn were so excited that they could spend time with each other.

Then after six months. Everything started falling apart in their relationship.

Finn got a call from Moxie that radiation was touring again through Australia, South America and UK for two years. Obviously Piper was crushed.

But Piper didn't want to deal with the long-distance again and the long months waiting for him, of course the one year went by fast, but this was 24 months she would have to wait.

That was just far too long.

Both of them had their worst argument yet, loads of screaming, yelling and crying, they haven't had a fight like this since dancemania but this was way worse, as Piper thought that he just wants to leave her.

All he wanted was to do this for Piper and his future career, but Piper didn't want him to leave her and he didn't want to leave her but he knew he had to do this.

For his family, his dance career and for her.

Loads of tears were shed between the both of them as they've been so strong since they reunited, but then at the end they came to the decision to go their separate ways. Piper and Finn were both devastated because they were so close together at their times at The Next Step, so not being together anymore hurt the both of them, she couldn't even bear being around him or she'll just cry.

So Piper packed her bags and moved out of Finn's apartment in England and flew back to Canada and moved back into her parents house in Toronto instead of moving back to New York as she knew she would need time to heal over her breakup with Finn.

And she knew her mom would be the best at cheering her up during this difficult time.

Deborah was so conflicted by the news of their breakup, Finn was like a son to her, he would do anything for their family. So them breaking up just breaks her for the both of them as she knows it is breaking both of their hearts inside.

Piper didn't even have to say the words to her parents, because when she arrived back to her childhood home in tears with a couple of bags. They just figured it out themselves.

Her mom and dad ran into her arms and hugged her as they comforted her all evening, trying to not have her to tell everything at once about this whole situation.

So she hid herself from everyone for weeks and isolated from the people she loves the most.

Especially Amy. And it hurt her so badly, but she knew it was for the best not to tell her yet and heal from this breakup.

For the first couple months, Piper cried in her bed every single day, skipped school and work. Her whole family and friends were extra worried for her as she wouldn't even talk to everyone.

Even talking about Finn made her throat go numb, and she'll end up sobbing even more.

This broke her, her and Finn not together anymore, she just wanted him back, but she knew this was for the best.

Even if she didn't have the energy for, she had to move on.

Meanwhile, the day of the breakup, Finn was feeling like shit of how they even came to this.

Losing Piper was the worst thing that ever happened to him.

But he wanted to sit in bed and feel like crap for months, but he had to start his tour with radiation. For two years.

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