Hospital Feels

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It had been a day since Piper and Finn had their first baby. Their beautiful baby girl.

And their baby turned out absolutely healthy. It had already been 24 hours since Piper gave birth to their daughter and you can tell the brown hair on her head.

She had a face like Piper and her smile and hair like Finn. It was perfect.

Piper and Finn were obsessed with their baby girl, they couldn't wait to bring her home to their house and spoil her and care her and see her grow up.

The next day, after Piper got checked by the doctors and nurses, she finally was ready leave the hospital to go home with Finn and their baby girl.

Piper and Finn arrived at their house, and got settled into their daughter's room, even though she won't be in her own room for a while till she gets settled sleeping in their room for the next couple months.

But walking into their daughter's room for the first time after coming home with their baby in their arms is just the most special feeling in the world.

They cannot believe they have a baby. And their friends and family are so excited to meet her.

But for now, for the next week. They are just going to have their parent's around at the house, helping them out with the baby until they get used to having their baby with them until they feel ready having visitors.

An hour later, Finn came into the living room after being on the phone with his mom telling him she'll be coming around in a few hours to see the baby.

"Yeah, my mom will be over soon to see Olivia. God she's perfect." Finn smiles happily as he takes her out of Piper's arms and holds her on his arms and rests his hands on her hips and kisses her forehead sweetly.

He couldn't stop loving her. He's only been a dad for only a day and he's obsessed with her, Finn loves her so much.

Piper nodded as she giggled at the love him and his baby girl had already. "That's good. She loves you already babe, you're an amazing dad." She whispered and laid against the couch.

He shook his head kneeled down and kissed his girlfriend's cheek softly. "I'm so happy right now, I hope that I'm better from what my dad was."

"You definitely are a better dad from what your's was. I'm so proud of you." Piper says.

"Thank you. I love you. I'm so proud of you for getting our daughter to us, you did amazing during the birth." Finn said and sat next to her as he gave the baby over to Piper as she rested her head on hers.

Piper giggles. "I love you too. The birth was painful, but I would do it all over again knowing I would have our baby girl in my arms." Finn leans over and kisses her lips.

A few hours later, Sarah arrived at Piper and Finn's house and met with their baby girl.

"Stop, she is the most beautiful girl!" She exclaimed.

Piper chuckled. "Do you wanna hug her? I've been holding her all morning."

"Sure. How you holding up?"

"I feel sore and uncomfortable but I'm hoping I'll feel better soon, but I wouldn't change it for the world." Piper smiled at her boyfriend.

She nodded and rocked the baby and smiled at Olivia. "Pipes do you wanna sleep? I'm sure you're exhausted!"

Piper groaned as her eyes drooped closed slowly. "Yeah, I'm so tired."

Finn smiled as he nodded and kissed his girlfriend on the forehead and his daughter while he walked outside on the front path and sat down.

"How's parenthood going? I know it's only been a day."

"I'm obsessed with her, I don't think I couldn't have loved her this much." Finn said.

"Yeah, I remember when Chloe was born and I obviously knew it would be the last one and I was just so in love with her and obsessed. She is still my baby girl even though she's 13 now."

Finn sighed deeply. "I just remembered yesterday when the nurse brought her in Piper's arms. I knew I was gonna love her forever."

"And you'll remember that moment for the rest of your life."

His mom hands him a card and he raises his eyebrows. "What's this?"

"It's from Chloe. She wanted me to give you this, she's at school right now, both of them. But she gave me this morning." Sarah explains.

He opens the card and it's a congratulations on your baby girl from Chloe.

"Woah, she can write already, was she not born like yesterday??" Finn jokes.

She shook her head. "No. That was you're daughter."


Finn rolled his eyes as he laughed and wrapped his arms around his mom's shoulders. "Okay grandma."

"I'm seriously so happy for you, I've known how much you guys have wanted a family together. You's are gonna spoil your little girl."

"And just what I saw like 30 minutes ago. You're doing a great job at being a dad, taking care of Piper while taking care of Olivia. You are nothing like your dad." She says.

"I just love her so much, but I get it now when you had Chloe and Sophie, you were always doing girly stuff with them, like pamper days, shopping trips. I can just see Piper doing that with Olivia. But I don't want to grow up ever!" Finn says.

He thought of the first time Piper told Finn she was pregnant, they just got home from dinner with Deborah, Steven, James and Riley. He couldn't wait to be a dad.

And it's forever now. "I was thinking obviously when we get her settled in, we should go out for dinner with Olivia and the girls and you."

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that'd be great."

"Thank you so much for letting me come over. I'm guessing you want to be with your baby now?"

A smile grew on his face as he smiled, they walked back inside as he said goodbye to his mom and walked back into the living room.

Finn walked in and saw Piper fast asleep with Olivia on her chest, her hands on her back.

He watched the two people he loved in the whole world. He couldn't believe this was their baby. They made this.

Finn leant forward and grabbed his phone and took a picture of this adorable moment, then he kissed his girlfriend, and just watched them quietly.

This was magical. He loved them both so much, more than he could've explained.

This gave me so much Pinn baby fever! This was so cute to write💗💗

Pinn Oneshots🤍Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora