Bouquet Toss

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So much has happened with James and Riley for the past 5 years.

Loads of breakups, ups and downs. But it was so worth it for everything they have been through to get to this point.

They are finally getting married and spending the rest of their lives together forever.

And they couldn't be more serious than anything else in the world.

Just. them.

"Riles, your going to be fine! Your just nervous." Piper insures her as Riley rubs her eyes and exhales shakily.

Piper touches her hand and rests it on hers.

She sits down next to her as bridesmaid duties and as her sister-in law and what has felt like her sister ever since her first met Riley in Studio A at the open house.

And it was a easy choice to pick her as a bridesmaid, firstly because she is James little sister, secondly, they are like sisters, they get on so well and they have so much fun when they are together.

Then Piper is one of Riley's best friends and she wants more than anything to have her standing up next to her when she is marrying the love of her life, obviously Emily who takes the number one on Maid Of Honour.

But that was taken even before she got engaged.

"Stop, your going to ruin your beautiful makeup. I'm here."

"Thanks Piper." Riley looks at her and smiles.

Emily, Stephanie, Thaila, Michelle and Giselle as all of her bridesmaids and Emily as her Maid Of Honour enter the room where everyone is getting ready and making sure she's doing okay and comforting her.

"Okay thanks girls, I need to make sure the boys aren't messing around before the ceremony starts and then start bringing guests in." Piper exclaims and walks out of the room.

All of the girls look at Piper as she walks out and turns over to Riley.

They are a couple years older than Piper and she's doing the best job out of everyone doing bridesmaid duties.

"How is she doing a better job than any of us and she's literally the youngest?" Stephanie says.

Giselle looks at her and shook her head.

"Well she's been in the wings with James for her entire life and Finn recently, since they've been dating for 4 years." Michelle admits.

"Have you seen them together? They are basically the next Jiley! But they are so lucky they went on a TV Show 4 years ago and then then a couple years ago they were making their own show together. We never got that on a-troupe!" Thalia says excitedly.

They all smile happily.

"There so cute together, we better see a wedding invitation in a few years." Michelle says.

"Enough about my fiancé's little sister, you can all talk about your obsession about Piper and Finn after the wedding." Riley chuckles.

All of the old a-troupe chuckle as they help Riley get into her wedding dress and distract her from the nerves are coming in as wedding time is coming in very soon.

Piper comes back just in time for Riley to walk down the alter.

The music band starts as Piper walks down with Finn with her arm between his as the bridesmaid and groomsman.

"You look amazing as ever babe." Finn whispers as they walk down together.

She blushes and gazes into her boyfriends eyes and smiles happily.

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