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This is what Piper was talking about to Heath in s8 ep 16!

One summer night, just them two sharing their love together.

Ever since the studio has shut down for renovations, both Piper and Finn have been hanging out together literally every single day!

And also been going on dates and coffee dates recently together.

But now the studio is almost done and everyone from a-troupe will be reuniting for the first time since dancemania next week.

Everyone has been so busy in the 1 year break not everyone has seen each other over the break.

But Piper and Finn are going to have one last summer day before returning back to the studio for the first time in a year.

Piper sat in in her phone after coming back from the kitchen after having breakfast with her mother as her dad went off to work at 6am and James is living with Riley in New York, and her older sisters are in University.

So mostly it is just her and her mother sometimes.

But she does feel lonely without James, who is her best friend and her rock, they have gotten along so well over the years.

With that, her and mom have movie nights, spa days and loads of girly days together when their dad is away working a shift.

But even all of that, she has her boyfriend to keep her company and to laugh and cry with her. She really cannot believe they have been together for two years already! Piper is so grateful for him.

After today, they will be returning to the studio again after a year and are having their last date today before the busy schedules for who will be representing the next step at nationals!

They are going to their favourite beach ever in Toronto all day, and will be watching the sun go down together while seeing the beautiful sunset.

Piper got out of her pyjamas and got dressed into denim shorts and added with a white t-shirt along with her white fila's with her bikini under her clothes.

Her boyfriend was planning the most special day ever for her, so she hopes it goes well.

And this was their annual thing to do in the summer.

Her phone vibrated as she looked up at her phone and immediately smiled softly.

"Hey!" Piper exclaimed.

"Babe! So excited for today!" Finn says.

Piper giggled.

"Are you ready? Because I'm so excited for today."

Finn nodded and chuckle as you could hear him starting the car from outside his house.

"Yeah, I'll be at yours in ten." He said excitedly.

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too." Piper smiled happily.

She hung up and smiled to herself of how grateful she is of Finn, even through everything he still makes sure he can make her the most happiest girl in the whole entire world.

Then a few moments later, a knock appeared on the door. She smiled excitedly, she grabbed her bag and bolted to the front door.


"Hey Pipes!" He moved forward into her arms and rested his head on her chin as she wrapped her arms around him.

They pulled apart and he kissed her lips softly.

She turned away from her boyfriend and laughed as she rested her head against his, running her hands through his brunette hair.

"Let's go. You're in for an incredible day." Finn said and held her hand as he rested her bag over his shoulder and walked over to his car.

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