Falling For You

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It has been a few days since Amy and Finn's high tea afternoon in The Next Steep, then yesterday a-troupe finding out they are auditioning for dancemania, and Kingston and Lily are a couple, but mostly breaking up every second.

A-troupe are very excited for dancemania as it is Finn's absolute favourite show and has been the biggest dancemania fan for as long he can imagine. It started at the beginning of his dance career.

Then Piper entered the locker room and sees Finn standing in front of his locker and he notices her, she walks towards him and smiles. "Yo, Pipes! Are you excited as much as I am about dancemania?!" Finn exclaims excitedly.

She nodded and fidgets nervously. "Yeah! But also, I'm a bit nervous to be honest, I don't know if I'll handle the pressure as it's on live TV."

"I understand that, dancing in front of millions cameras is scary, but we can do this, like come on Pipes, it's dancemania!" He cheered and rested his hands on her shoulder.

"But you'll be absolutely fine, I mean look how nervous you were at regionals, and you turned out amazing in the end!"

Piper chuckled at him brightly as she smiled and he said. "But it's true, you always tend to question most new things."


"Have you ever tried at least saying yes to everything for the entire day?"

Piper rolled her eyes and knew she'll regret this. "Fine. I'll say yes to everything today!"

"Challenge excepted." She said and they shook hands.

She just hopes he doesn't ask her out again, but he hasn't ask her out in months, so he's definitely over her.

Finally after a whole year.

Finn ran his hands through his hair and laughed. "Also can you give me twenty dollars? I need money for something in The Next Step."

Piper just knew her money would be gone by the end of the day with Finn asking for money on purpose just to joke around with her.

She sighed and looked at him. "Ugh fine!" Then handed her a twenty dollar note to him.

"Thanks Pipes." He smiled and walked out of the lockers and into the café before rehearsals.

After rehearsals, Finn entered the new recent café, and saw Amy sitting alone, they've doing pretty great since their afternoon together, and they really enjoyed it and so did she.

"Hey." Amy said and sipped her drink.

Finn looked at her. "I really enjoyed our high tea the other day, I would love to do it again."

"Yeah same, I really loved it."

"So, I was thinking if you wanna do it again tonight?"

She turned to him and raised her eyebrows confused. "Is this a date then?"

"Sure! If you want to?"

"I would love to! I was just thought you still liked Piper."

Finn shook his head. "Nah, I'm over her now. We are best friends."

Amy nodded. "So what do you have planned then?"

He laughed. "I have no idea, but I'll think of a great idea, and I'll see you at seven!" Finn exclaimed and ran out of the café.

Amy in a million years never thought she would be dating Finn, but if Piper doesn't mind, she has nothing to lose.

Currently Finn is in the locker room trying to sort out his date for Amy as Piper walks in and notices him lying his body on the bench, and his phone up in the air.

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