Red Valentines

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Valentine's Day was a day Piper always hated, and has always for her whole life.

Especially since growing up. So she would always watch sappy romcoms with her siblings while binging on 'To All The Boys' as it's one of Piper's favourite films to watch on Valentines and lying in her bed knowing she's gone another year still single.

But Piper honestly couldn't care less about relationships, boys and being single for the most part, but she really loves spending time with her best friend on galentines day and watch couples fall in love with each other on whatever film they are watching. And eat a ton loads of snacks while cosying up on the couch together.

It was a day where everyone would post about their boyfriend and girlfriends would post about how much they love about them, then all you would see on Valentines is girls with their boyfriend in restaurants kissing and hugging them with their hand interlocked together.

And also just feel like for the single ladies, it makes you feel that no one is good enough for you, or maybe you're too ugly for someone. Or what girls say you'll find your person when you stop looking for him which is so cheesy but maybe it could be true.

But all she remembers not being bothered with seeing couples on Valentines day but it took a turn when Amy and Finn celebrated the day together and all she wished she did that with him.

Finally when they got together in the summer, she'd just imagined spending the whole day with her boyfriend on Valentines day.

The day had came and Finn had planned her the most special day just for her because he'd remembered how badly he saw in her eyes when it was him with Amy, so he wants to make a day she'll remember.

Meanwhile, she was in her bedroom getting ready for her date with Finn, she didn't know why but this date was making her feel nervous.

Her phone buzzed as she looked over at her phone and saw a message from Finn and a photo attached and smiled at the notification.

"Happy Valentines day baby, I love you"

She chuckled at the photo beneath it as he is of course in bed with his hand running through his messy curls and pouting at her and his abs on show, with him cuddled in bed.

"Of course, he's not out of that bloody bed!" Piper mutters to herself as she types an message back to him.

"I love you! xox"

She sends a selfie to him with her smiling and her head rested on her shoulder.

He replied back instantly and said. "Oh my, you look so beautiful tehehe I'm still not even up yet xo."

"You better be getting up soon! You've gotta be picking me up soon!"

"Nah, I've got plenty of time, it's only 1oam, plus I'm a pro of getting ready fast xx."

Piper rolled her eyes at his respond. "Yeah okay, we'll see when I'm ready and your not! xo

Finn sent another photo and it sent a mirror pic as he said. "See I'm up now Pipess."

She chuckled at the pic as she told him she's going to start getting ready as he told her he would be at her house around 12pm.

Piper loved her relationship with Finn because they'd always have that goofy side of the relationship, then it was the emotional side and the supportive side. They love all the sides.

This day was going to turn out amazing, and she just couldn't wait for him to see her today.

An hour later, Piper was finally ready for her date with Finn. She was going to wear a purple dress but went against it and wore a nice flowy red dress added with a white cardigan, and it's Valentines day so it has to be worn for one of the days.

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