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(This was basically of the bts of dancemania from the show, and the finale was a week ago!)

The start of dancemania was the absolute worst for Finn but even worst for Piper as she mad at her boyfriend for missing his flight and nearly costing her chance to perform in the group dance.

But then the night before the finale, Finn did a musical theatre style with singing and dancing and then Piper's cheek wouldn't stop hurting as she was smiling that much. She was so grateful for him in that moment.

Then she realised it was too hard to stay mad at him anymore.

He ran towards her and took her hands and they made up and kissed.

And now It's been a week and all they've done has been hanging out together, cuddling, kissing and being in each others company.

Finally they are together and nothing can tear them apart anymore.

Tonight is the behind the scenes of dancemania when the cameras went off and the host talking about stuff we may not know about when the show is over.

The whole of Piper and Finn's family are all at her house to watch the behind the scenes and are very excited.

Finn is sat on one of the couches by near the door as Piper sat on top of him cuddling up closely next to him resting her head on his chest as both of their feet are touched together. But they are cuddled up very close together.

And of course James is keeping an eye on Finn as he thinks that they are really close together on that sofa.

"Sssh! It's starting." James shushes everyone as they chuckle and Piper moves comfortably to her boyfriend and interlock their hands together.

"Hi everyone welcome to the behind the scenes of dancemania! And we'll talk loads about the show when the cameras go off." The host says.

Finn rubs his hand back and fourth with the back of her hand.

She turns to him and he exhales.

"Now to the couples of The Next Step! Their is loads of couples at this studio, there is Kingston and Lily."

Both Piper and Finn laughed to themselves as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

Finn remembered as in the bros group chat this morning, both of them were arguing about what topping belongs on pizza and of course they broke up, but then when Finn was on his way to Piper's they suddenly got back together.

No surprise.

"And next is Amy and Henry."

Piper feels a bit guilty as she should of told the truth that she liked Finn and maybe Amy and Henry would of been together from the very beginning. But when she sees her with Henry she knows they will be together and nothing can top that.

"Our final couple is..Piper and Finn!!!" She exclaims excitedly.

Both of the families turn to both Piper and Finn and she looks into her boyfriend, he kisses her cheek and she rests her head on his chest.

"When Finn missed his flight and nearly cost her chance to perform, Piper was not in Finn's good books, and yet when he returned she was not yet to forgive him. But when teammate Ozzy helped the team get to the finals, he helped Finn try to get her back."

"In the end, she loved it so much they gazed in each others eyes and kissed and made up."

Finn still feels awful of what happened, but he will make sure it will never happen again. All that matters is that Piper is in his arms again.

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