Ch. 3) Lies

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Stephanie's Point of View:

The classroom floor was blue marble with mixtures of gray and white specks. So fancy. I chose an empty desk and sat there quietly until Professor Magg spoke to me.

"What is your name and where are you from?" she asked.

I did not want people to know that I was from Sherwood, a poor city. I lied and and answered,

"I'm Stephanie Brandt and I am from Hawaii."

Professor Magg responded with,

"Wow. Hawaii? What made you and your family move to Crimson Ridge City?"

A nasty feeling in my gut began to appear and I knew I had to lie again,

"I live with my mom. My dad works in Taiwan as a surgeon."

There was only part that is sort of from that sentence that was not a lie,

was that my father was Taiwanese. I was half White and half Taiwanese. Since he had left me at such an early age, I took on my mother's maiden name for my last name, Brandt.

Professor Magg finally stopped questioning me, I finally sat down. My senior year at Crimson was not turning starting out well.

Professor Magg assigned an independent chemistry assignment and I began to work.

About 15 minutes into the class, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked to my left.

"What did you tap me on the shoulder for?" I asked curiously but a little snappy.

"I'm Elijah. but call me Eli. I'm the senior representative and I just wanted to say, welcome to Crimson High. Here take my card, everyone gets one from their grade representative, it's a policy here." he said.

He had honey-blond hair and light, spring green eyes.

"Thanks." I said as I took his card. I tucked it in my pocket and went back to working on the assignment.

Elijah's Point of View:

She introduced herself in front of the class. Her name was Stephanie. Professor Magg was asking her so many questions, I felt bad for her. I introduced myself and gave her my card for school policy. She tucked it in her pocket without taking a glance at it and turned around. She told everyone she was from Hawaii, that sounded pretty cool. I like to surf and I've been on a lot of family vacations to Hawaii. Maybe I can ask her more about surfing on the waves. I want to be atleast an intermediate surfer when I go to Hawaii for spring break.

***Quick Message from the author:

There should be a picture for EVERY chapter, none should be missing. Hopefully you guys can see them :) if not, please tell me so I can fix the problem!

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