Ch. 19) Dropping Bombs

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Jeff's Point of View:

As I pulled up to my driveway, I was excited to show Fran that my father was off of drugs. I wanted this to be some sort of Christmas eve surprise for her so I decided to tell my father to wait in the car. 

I went to the door first as the door was opened with great pleasure. Fran greeted me and was unusually giddy. 

"I have a surprise for you in the car!" I said as I tried to bring Fran outside. 
She interrupted,

"Wait, I have a surprise for you in the kitchen! I want to show you that first." she said. 

I complied and walked to the kitchen as Fran skipped with delight.

"I would like to let you know, that I have been seeing Marlen Wade. He's a great guy and is this city's best lawyer. Isn't he just fabulous?" Fran said as she pointed to him.

There he was, just sitting with a dumb smile, on one of the dining room chairs. He had a cloth on his lap and was in a nice navy suit.  Fran had dropped a bomb on me. 

She had just introduced me to her new boyfriend - the same day that I brought my father home..
It wasnt necessarily her fault, my father had been gone for five years and Marlen was her first boyfriend since.

"Well...? Arent you happy for me? Marlen will be staying for dinner with us tonight. Is that okay?" Fran asked in confusion. She saw the disappointed look that was on my face. 

"Fran...the surprise that I had in the my dad. I found him at the homeless shelter." I softly muttered.

Before Fran could respond, Marlen awkwardly said, 
"Maybe I should get going let you two handle this. I'll call you tomorrow, honey." 

Fran's Point of View:

Roland was in the car? I could not believe this. It was as if Jeff had dropped a bomb on me. This was my Christmas eve surprise? 

Marlen awkwardly left and closed the door as Jeff and I stood in silence. 

"Jeff...I dont know what to say." I began with. 

"Fran, this wouldnt have ever happened if you didnt kick my dad out in the first place." Jeff responded. 

"Jeff, we have had this conversation many times. I am not going to bicker with you on Christmas eve. I cant believe he got in the car with you." I said. 

Jeff's demeanor suddenly changed, 

"What do you mean?" he asked. 

I explained it as if it was like a flashback, 
"A couple weeks after I kicked your father out because of his heroin issue, I felt guilty because I saw how sad you were; and how much you needed your father. So, I went to the homeless shelter that I knew he was staying at and begged him to come home. He refused and told me never to speak to him again..."  

I saw the tears flood Jeff's eyes - he was trying his hardest to hold them back. 

"I dont...I dont believe you." he said as he sat down. 

I knew deep inside, he did believe me. The truth hurt him. Jeff was like my son and I hated to see him sad, I went over to comfort him and began to pat his shoulders. 

"Do you want me to get him from the car?" I asked softly. 

Jeff shook his head, 
"No, I can go get him from the car." he said as he stood up, wiping a tear. 

EngravedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora