Ch. 21) Where do we go from here?

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Stephanie's Point of View:

It has been about a month now and I haven't heard much from Jeff at all. Thoughts are beginning to swarm in my head like bees around a hive - was he back with Andrea with out me knowing - no...he wouldn't do that to me.. or would he?

"Steph, don't mope around all day, honey, instead of thinking of Jeff why don't you run down to the grocery store and pick up a few tomatoes for me - I'm thinking of making salsa to go with our lunch." Aunt  Lori suggested as she pat my back. I took a step back from my tornado of thoughts and replied, "Alright, but how am I going to get to the store if your car is being repaired?"

"It's a nice day, why don't you ride your bike, the grocery store isn't even a half mile, dear." 

So I nodded and dragged my bike out and began the ride to the store, as I was almost there, I suddenly heard air beginning to seep out of my bicycle tire. I pulled up on the sidewalk to see where I had ran over a nail. 

The next things happened so quickly, I didn't notice until a shadow appeared behind me, 

"I couldn't help but notice that you needed help."

"..Eli, you don't have to. I can manage on my own, just fine." I said as I tried taking the nail out. 

"Steph, I know I didn't have to. I saw you and I just wanted to help, why don't I just give you a ride to wherever you're going and then I'll give you a ride back home; taking that nail out won't do any good." Eli said. 

I scoffed, "Oh, now you want to give me a ride? You're not going to leave me stranded like you did at the dance? You were such a jerk that night...and I don't think I'll forget that. I think  I can walk the rest of the way. You should get going. I didn't plan to run into you today." 

"Look, I made a terrible mistake and was totally immature that night, I never completely forgave myself for not calling you to make sure you got home safe. Please just let me give you a ride. I'll out your bike in the trunk." Eli replied with a sigh and soft tone. 

The sweat from the sweltering sun made it impossible to reject his offer, 
"....Fine. I need to get to Harvey's Grocery and back home." 

Eli smiled, and walked to his car, "Hop in." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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