Ch.13) There Will Be Blood

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Soundtrack for this chapter:

Dance Inside by All American Rejects

Skinny Love by Bon Iver

Damn Girl by All American Rejects

Stephanie's Point of View:

Andrea and Eli went to the car because Eli had paper towels.

A jerk named Carl had purposely spilled punch on her dress.

Everyone in the room continued to dance and mind their own business.

Since Eli and Andrea had went out to Eli's car, I was left with Jeff alone.

Jeff seemed dizzy and disoriented, he began to walk up to the guy who spilled his drink on Andrea.

I watched as Jeff tapped the jerk on his shoulder and punched him in the face.

I ran over, and pulled Jeff off of him.

"Jeff, stop! You're going to get in trouble." I said as I took him away.

Everyone in the room looked over.

"What the fuck is your problem, man?!" Carl shouted as he walked away. His nose was bleeding horribly.

Jeff didnt respond, he could barely walk straight.

Jeff leaned on me, and spoke softly,

"Dance with me, Steph."

Our eyes met as sparks flew. I was caught up in the moment, and slow danced with him as he gently put his hands around my waist. We gracefully swayed to the song. (Song: Dance Inside by All American Rejects)

Then I noticed a moist feeling on my waist, it was from Jeff's hand. His hand was drenched from Carl's blood.

I pulled Jeff away,

"What's wrong?" he asked as he almost fell over.

I noticed the smell of alcohol, from his mouth.

Someone had spiked the fruit punch with vodka and Jeff was drunk. It wasnt his fault, he probably didnt know. Jeff was so drunk, I had to help him as he walked.

I took Jeff out to the hallway to wash the blood off his hand in the water fountain.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked confusingly.

"Did you drink a lot of the fruit punch?" I asked as I washed away the blood.

Jeff looked at my face as I washed off the blood,

"You are so beautiful, Steph. I really like you" he said as he used his free hand to gently move the hair out of my face. (Song: Skinny Love by Bon Iver plays in the background)

I blushed and didnt say anything, his hands were so soft.

After I washed the blood from Jeff's hand, he hugged me tight and said,

"I told you I would give you a hug."

I closed my eyes as I placed my face on his chest.

I remembered that Jeff had promised me a hug when I brought him his jacket.

He slowly leaned in for a kiss, but I couldnt kiss him. I knew it was wrong because he was still with Andrea. I pulled away and said,

"We have to go back inside. Andrea and Eli might be looking for us."

Jeff nodded, and I helped him walk.

Once we got inside, Andrea and Eli walked up to us.

"Where were you guys?" Andrea asked angrily as she took Jeff by the hand.

"Jeff punched Carl in the face. His hand was bloody, so I helped him go outside to wash it off. He is dizzy right now, and drunk. He can barely walk. Someone put vodka in the fruit punch." I explained.

Andrea looked shocked,

"Come on, Jeff. You have to go home. You're drunk. I'll call your step-mom to pick us up." she said as she brought Jeff outside.

As they walked away, Jeff looked back at me, and cracked a slight smile.

Eli looked at me,

"Steph, there's blood on your dress." he said as he pointed to my waist.

"Oh my god. It's from Jeff's hand." I said as I tried to hide it.

"His hand was on your waist?" Eli questioned as he looked at me.

He looked slightly mad and confused.

"Yeah, why do you even care? We were just dancing." I asked in return. It was none of his business.

"Find your own ride home." he huffed as he walked away.

I was utterly surprised, Eli was so angry that I had danced with Jeff. Was it because he was jealous or because he just didnt like Jeff? I was shocked that he suddenly walked away from me and told me to find my own ride home. So unexpected. It was so rude of him.

I called Aunt Lori to pick me up. Tears streamed down my face.

( Song: Damn Girl by All American Rejects plays in the background.)

Eli's Point of View:

When Stephanie had told me that her and Jeff had shared a dance together, I felt my heart crumble for some reason. I was so angry that I told her to find her own ride home. I know it was terribly rude of me, but I was caught up in the moment and very hurt.

I ended up dancing with Chelsea all night.

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