Ch. 18) Reunited

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Song played during this chapter - Hold Back The River by James Bay

Jeff's Point of View:

He nodded and unhesitatingly stood up and hugged me. My father. I was in my father's arms for the first time in five years. Five years might not sound like a long time, but it was a painful 1,825 days - which accounts for 43,800 hours of missing and silently searching for him.

I didnt ask if he was off heroin, because I would take him home either way.

His chapped lips moved again,

"I've...I've missed you." he said as he tightened his hug.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this hug, Dad." I replied as my voice cracked under tears.

He had an unpleasant scent, and I couldnt blame him, after all, he had been living in a homeless shelter.

He finally let go of his embrace and pat my back. He looked at me from head to toe,
"Jeffrey Brando Bosh. Yup, you're my son alright." he said in a proud tone.

"Im not as scrawny as I was when I was 13, huh?" I said with a slight laugh.
I started to read my father with my eyes, I noticed how he was in a brand new, yet cheap suit,
"Dad, why are you in a suit? How'd you get it?" I asked.

He looked embarrassed,
"This homeless shelter has a drug rehabilitation program, and I've been clean off heroin for about seven months. They give suits to the homeless who complete the program so that the homeless can apply for jobs.." he explained as he looked at the concrete floor.

I felt horrible, my father, Roland Sampson Bosh, was once a man of greatness - he once was a Boeing airplane engineer until heroin had taken over his life. But maybe it wasnt too late to go back to that, maybe it wasnt to late to go back to the life I had with him and Fran that I once had lived.

Stephanie came over and I had briefly explained what was going on.
"Oh my gosh, this is so great that you found your father, Jeff. Im so happy for you. I'll go home first. I'll call my aunt to pick me up. You should stay with your dad a little longer." she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Who was that?" my father asked with a smirk.

"That was a friend.." I said bluntly. I couldnt say girlfriend, because I had not broken up with Andrea yet - I know, I know, that it is wrong or "unfaithful" of me but, I had other things to think about, especially now.

A worker from the shelter came over to my father and I,
"Excuse me, do you two know each other?" the worker asked politely.

My father and I quickly nodded.
"Yes, he's my dad. I was wondering if I can take him home today."

The worker bubbly replied,
"Alright, are you 18 years of age or older? And I also need to seem an ID card to prove that you are related to him."

I nodded.

After showing proper identification and filling out some paper work.

I was able to take my Dad home.
As he got into my car, a smile beamed across my face. My father was with me.
Just as I was about to begin driving, my cell phone rang - it was Fran.

"Hello?" I answered happily.

"It's Christmas eve, honey. Come home and be with your step-mother! I also have some news for you!" Fran said enthusiastically.

"I have some news for you too, Fran. Im on my way home." I said cheerfully.

"Are you excited to see Fran?" I asked my father as I began driving.

He silently nodded. I could not help but notice his smile disappear.

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