Ch.9) Wondering

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***Message from the Author: To anyone who is confused; remember that we are continuing from chapter 8. To new readers, please do not skip around or else you may not understand the whole story. To my returning readers, thanks so much and I hope you are enjoying. I appreciate you all <3 You guys make my day when I see that my story has been read by atleast a few people :)

Eli's Point of View:

When Stephanie came back to the car, she had a beaming grin on her face. I knew why she had that grin; every girl grins after they see Jeff Bosh in a speedo.

I wasn't jealous or anything but I was tired of every girl falling for him, it was like Jeff had little cupid angels that fired an arrow at every girl that talked to him. After my sister, Andrea, started dating Jeff, her personality shifted. She acted more bratty and thought she was some sort of queen - all because she was dating Jeff Bosh. Me and Andrea use to be close, not anymore. I didnt like the fact that she felt entitled to be rude to people because she was the girl that everyone wanted to be, 'Jeff Bosh's girlfriend.'

Stephanie directed me to her house so I could bring her home.

As I drove, I remembered what Steph had told me about her younger cousin. Ryan. I felt bad for the kid. I had time on my hands and decided that I would spend a little time teaching the kid how to pitch a baseball like he wanted.

"Steph, I can teach your cousin, Ryan how to pitch a baseball today. If it's okay with you." I said as I parked my car in the house driveway.

"You would really do that for him?" she asked with a smile.

I nodded.

Stephanie rang the doorbell and introduced me to her aunt and Ryan.

"I see you at school sometimes, you know. Weren't you on the water polo team before?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, but that was before. Anyways, Im hella good at baseball. I can teach you how to pitch a fast one! Do yo have a baseball mitt?" I said.

Ryan nodded and went outside. I followed him.

He seemed like a good kid, and as I walked to the spacious backyard, I felt his enthusiasm.

Stephanie's Point of View:

Aunt Lori and I watch Eli and Ryan play baseball from the window. It was so nice to see Ryan so joyful.

"It is so nice of your friend to teach Ryan to play baseball. I tried to, but Im just not good at it." Aunt Lori said as she smiled.

"So is he your boyfriend?" she muttered with a giggle.

"No, Aunt Lori. He's not my boyfriend. I dont even like him in that way and Im pretty sure he doesnt like me that way either." I said.

All I could think about was Jeff Bosh and his fabulous body, soft voice, and charming ways. What was wrong with me? Jeff had a girlfriend, and I didnt like drama. I wasnt the type of girl to cause trouble between anyone. I kept this thought to myself, nobody knew I was crushing on Jeff Bosh. But what girl, didnt crush on him? It was totally normal of me!

"Steph..." Aunt Lori muttered again.

"What?" I asked sarcastically.

"Im pretty sure Eli isnt driving you around and teaching Ryan baseball for nothing." Aunt Lori said.

"He's not doing this because he likes me, Aunt Lori. He's just a nice guy and a new friend." I explained.

Eli's Point of View:

It was getting dark so I decided to leave. Ryan looked like he didnt want me to go but I told him I would play baseball with him some other time, if I wasnt busy. Stephanie and her aunt thanked me again, but it was no big deal.

When I got home I found Andrea painting her toe nails in the living room, I sat down and watched the T.V.

"Eli, do you like paradise pink or luxurious lavender?" Andrea asked as she held up two bottle of nail polish.

I shrugged,

"I dont know. They both look fine."

I wasnt good at choosing colors, why did girls care about painting nails any way?

Andrea rolled her eyes,

"So, where were you? You missed dinner." she asked as she went back to painting her nails.

"I was at Stephanie's house." I said as I focused on the tv.

Andrea stopped painting her nails, and looked at me,

"What the hell? What were you doing there?" she blurted as she crinkled her eyebrows.

"What's your problem with her? Why are you freaking out?" I asked with a laugh.

"She seems like such a skank.." she muttered.

I was shocked towards her comment,

"How can you call her that? How? She hasnt even done anything to anyone yet." I responded.

Andrea looked at me with a glare,

"Youre my brother Eli, and I dont want you to hang out with a pathetic girl like her. Ever since she's come to our school, Jeff and I have been on the rocks - our relationship hasn't been the same since. I dont know what it is about her, but she is changing things." she said.

"Look, your relationship problems with Jeff is your business. Steph has nothing to do with it." I told her as I went to my room.

Andrea's Point of View:

Eli stated that Steph had nothing to do with my relationship with Jeff; but I felt like he was wrong. Earlier today, in the afternoon, at the water polo meet at Lake Peake, I was looking for a seat on the stands. As I sat down, I saw Jeff talking to Steph, and she was holding his jacket. What was that all about? Why was she even there? I didnt like how she was talking to my boyfriend. I asked Jeff about it after the meet, and he said that she was just giving him his jacket.

In my mind I knew that Stephanie greatly cared about Jeff because she actually went to Lake Peake just to return his jacket. I know it was nice of her, a but I still didnt like her.

Eli didnt even answer why he was at her house and he had left me wondering.

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