Chapter 2

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I close the door to the control room behind me, making sure it latches so it's locked. I walk over to the familiar chair, sinking into it and groaning as I run my hands through my hair in frustration. 

Well, that could have gone worse I suppose. 

I knew she would be scared and confused. I didn't expect the look on her face to gut me quite as much as it did but, who am I kidding? I'm a goner for the girl. I stole her away to lock her up in my tower to keep her with me forever. 

Well, it sounds crazy when you say it like that.

I flick on the screens and look through the cameras at her like I have for months. Only now it's my house she's in, instead of her own. 

I watch as she wanders around her room, looking through the closet and bathroom. I hope she likes the way I had it decorated for her. Having an old house like this renovated to be more modern was a pain in the ass, but it was worth it for her. 

I check the cameras at her old place as well, mostly out of habit. I click through the few rooms and see that everything is quiet. Hopefully the resignation letter I sent her boss was believable and there isn't anyone searching for her. I know she doesn't have any close friends or family and even though that makes me sad for her, at this moment I'm grateful for it. 

I switch my view back to her room and watch as she goes into the bathroom again. I look through the camera in there, but can't see her. It's angled away from the toilet, shower and bathtub, only the vanity visible. But I can tell from the sound that she's taking a shower. I use the opportunity to take a quick shower myself, switching into clean clothes. I had been so worried about her I sat in a chair next to her bed most of the night, just watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest to assure myself that she would be alright. 

By the time I get back to the cameras, she's dressed and back in the main room. She's jiggling the handles on the windows and I can't help but chuckle. Those old things haven't opened in years. She goes towards the door and pulls on the handle. When it swings open, she has a surprised look on her face. Apparently she thought I would lock her in there, but I'd never do that. This is her home, she can wander it freely as she wishes, with the exception of the security control room. I switch camera views and follow her as she moves gingerly through the house, clearly trying not to attract my attention. 

Little does she know, she's had it since the moment I first laid eyes on her. 

When she gets to the top of the grand staircase she stops, her eyes wide with wonder as she looks through the space and a flash of pride goes through me. This house was always my favorite of my family's properties. I'm glad she seems to like it too. 

When she pulls out of her stunned stupor she tiptoes down the stairs, her eyes flinging around the room like she's waiting for me to pop out from a hidden passageway or something. When she gets to the bottom she makes her way to the door, pulling on the handle. When it doesn't budge she gets a hard look in her eyes, jostling the handle and pulling again, putting one foot up on the other door to brace herself. I use that as my cue to exit the room, making my way towards her. 

The control room is situated under the grand staircase, but towards the back so I have to round a corner to see her. When my footsteps echo against the floor she spins, flattening herself against the door as she looks at me with wide, fearful eyes. I stop a good distance away from her, my hands in my pockets as I watch her for a moment, relishing being so close to her after all of this time wishing and planning. 

"It won't open, sweetheart." I say gently. She huffs at me, anger etched on every inch of her perfect face. 

"What do you want with me? Why won't you just let me go?" she hurls at me and I find myself grinning. That hint of sass was what attracted me to her in the first place. 

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