Chapter 7

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I spend so much time in what I have now decided is to be called the craft room, I don't realize that the sun has begun to set. Pierce brought me food for lunch and I took a short break to eat it, but he has mostly left me on my own for the afternoon. As much as it feels strange, I almost feel grateful for this break from the real world. It came in a terrifying way, but this is the first time in years I've felt myself totally disconnect from reality. That I let myself not worry about anything other than what is happening right in front of me. I needed a vacation. Not like this, but I needed a vacation.

I stretch a little and take a drink of the water Pierce brought me, looking over at Goose who fell asleep in a basket full of yarn. 

He looks like he's in Heaven. 

I stand and wander around the house until I find the main staircase as my stomach grumbles. I'm not sure what time it is, but I'm starting to get hungry. Pierce said he had some work to do, and I doubt he would mind me fixing myself something to eat. Just as I hit the bottom stair, I hear a sound from across the hallway like the flushing of a toilet. I assume it's Pierce, but when the door opens a different man comes out. He's dressed in bright yellow and orange, his hands caked with grime so I assume he's working on the pool and needed to use the bathroom. I go to ask him for help in getting me out of this place, but the way he eyes me makes my skin crawl. 

I doubt I'd be any safer with him. 

He looks me up and down before scoffing and making his way towards me. I back away, until I'm pinned against the wall. He stops a few feet from me, a sadistic grin spreading across his face. 

"So, you're the little bird this rich guy has us working to the death for." he mutters, clearly not happy with me. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask. 

"He had our crew redo this entire house. So when he called our foreman and said he wanted a giant ass pool done in a few days, he couldn't say no. So now we're working twenty four hours a day to give his precious little princess whatever she wants." he spits in my direction. 

He moves closer, towering over me, and reaches out to run his hand down my face. I feel my body begin to tremble. I want to scream, to run, to knee him in the balls, but it's like my entire body is frozen. 

"I don't see what the big deal is. You're not much to look at." he says coldly, pushing his body up against mine so hard I can barely breathe. 

"Big talk coming from a guy who didn't even wash his hands after he went to the bathroom. Get your filthy hands off of me." I spit back, putting my hands on his chest and pushing. He chuckles, a low sound that makes fear trickle down my spine. 

"Make me." he whispers. 

The next moment he's shoved to the side, Pierce taking his place in front of me. He turns his back towards me, wrapping his arms around me in a protective stance. 

"Touch her again. See what happens." he murmurs so low I can barely hear him. I can see the tension radiating from his body and fight the urge to reach out and touch him. The man just chuckles, shaking his head as he looks Pierce up and down. 

"She must have one hell of a pussy to have you acting like that." the man says. I gasp at his words, trying to get to him to smack him, but Pierce holds me back. 

"I thought Charles had high quality workers on his team. I was wrong. I'll have to rethink who I hire in the future." Pierce says and the guy rolls his eyes. 

"You have us out there working like dogs. No one will be upset." he says.

"This job was optional. I made sure of it. And I pay you more in a week than most of you would otherwise make in six months." Pierce says, an anger I've never heard leaking through his tone and the guy gives him a harsh look.

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