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I had soon reached the base and had opened the cabin door. I took my time and looked in the cabins fridge. There was only one item in the fridge, an apple. I grabbed it and closed the fridge.

"How weird" I thought to my self.

I sat at the small table in the middle of the kitchen. The cabin only has three room that I know of. Well other than the base below it, there's the hall entrance which I don't count as a room, the living room, the kitchen on the other side of the hall, and the door leading to the bedroom in the living room. I never been in the bedroom but there's no real reason to. As I was biting my apple I was looking around the kitchen when I noticed an arrangement of magnets up on the fridge the spell out "Koala."

"Koala?, hm... That sound familiar." I thought for a minute then remembered the secret doorway or whatever it was that Jack disappeared into.

"I remember Jack mentioned someone called Koala." I thought to myself.

I finished my apple and threw it into the garbage can below one of the cabinets as I made my way to the fireplace. Before I jumped into the fire I heard screaming coming from the base.

"What do I do?" I waited for a second then jumped in without any reasoning. As soon as my feet touched the floor every light in my view shutoff. I couldn't see a thing it was so dark. I felt something move behind me. My body froze, literally. The light quickly flickered back on. There was a group of people surrounding me. And I didn't recognize one of them.

My body temperature was quickly dropping. A man came from behind me.

"Well hello there! The Artist, it's been a long time hasn't it." The man smiled. He was wearing some sort of a trench coat, he was probably in his early 20s but I could see his face to well there was a shadow lingering over him.

"Could this be Dominic?" I though to myself. I started to melt the ice slowly but not enough that anyone would notice but me. The heat was helping me in becoming a little warmer.

"It seem that you've taken my treasure away from me." The man over dramatically frowned. Some of the people behind him giggled a bit but quickly quieted down.

"It's a shame, the next time when meet if you don't give me what I want your friends will quickly," he paused "dissapper." The man laughted. I was defrosted enough to talk.

"Are you amused?" I asked him. He quickly noticed the puddle of water at my feet I could move again. I was ready to fight. But the mans expression flattened.

"Our chat must end here, but you must remember what I told you bring me what I want." He was very serious.

"What are you looking for, what did I, "take!" I motioned my pointer and middle finger up and down as I said "take". My vision was fading.

"You took my..." Another voice started to shout over the mans.

"Robin are you ok? Wake up what were you thinking! Robin? Come on wake up." The voice became clearer and clearer. I started to see the light through my eyelids. Carter had me in his arms, shaking me as I lied on the floor. I couldn't move. Carter felt a wave of relif.

"Oh good, I came up stair after I heard a scream and I saw you lying down of the floor frozen. You were mumbling in the ice but I couldn't hear you and when the ice melted you stopped talking. Some advise for the future don't eat any food from that fridge there's many traps in the cabin best not the hang out up here we should probaly have Memories take a look at ya. He is a doctor." Carter hadn't let me out of his arm. Once he noticed that he quickly put me down and pulled out his phone to probaly call this "Memories" guy. Was that a dream? Even if it wasn't a dream what did that man want.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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