First mission: Part three

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First mission: Part three

When Robin woke up she had her new cell phone in her pajama pockets. She was wearing a really baggy grey top with a red heart shape on it, grey sweats, and really bad bedhead. Robin got out of bed as slowly as possible. She shivered. "Why is it so cold?" Robin thought to herself. She walked over to her window and pulled back her curtains. "Is SNOWING! summer just ended like a couple weeks ago! I wonder if it had anything to do with that weird dream last night." Robin thought as she got ready for school"I wonder if mom will finally let me take the car to school by myself", her mom didn't notice the snow when they walked into the garage"Guess not" Her mother pressed the button for the garage to open, it made a loud noise. Like the garage door chain was about to break. Robin and her mother covered their ears. Robin pressed the button to stop the sound.

"I don't think I can give you a ride to school, Robin do you want to stay home or just I just call the school and tell them your going to be late and walk?" Robin mother said while thinking of more solutions, not wanting to try to open the garage door again.

"I think i'm just going to walk but could you still call the school and tell them i'm gonna be late."

"Yeah sure, I wonder what happened maybe we should try to clear the snow from the front of the garage door." Robin grabbed a shovel and when inside and out the front door with her mother to help clear the snow. Robin's mother ask for the shovel that Robin grabbed, Robin handed it to her. "THUD, THUD!" the shovel was hitting ice while shaving so extra snow off. Robin thought about the dream. The sound when that boy hit the wall of that dome. "THUD, THUD" One thud for the wall and the other for the drop on the floor.

"Robin... Robin.. ROBIN!!! Did you just hear what I just said."

"Sorry, what did you say mom?"

"Robin you really have to pay attention."

"Sorry mom, what were you saying?"

"I said that do you have a friend who can come and get you before they leave?" A 5 seat car pulled up. It look really expensive. Almost like a sports car? Niki, Carter, and Jack where in the car, Racer was in the drivers seat. He got out of the car and walk up to Robins mother and intruded him self.

"Good morning, i'm Jordan, i'm Niki's older brother I bring them to school." He smiled and they shuck hands."I am aware that Robin needed a ride to school, she texted Kelly. You ready Robin?" Even though Jordan is only two years older than her,and not Niki's brother, he was acting very mature.

"That's wonderful, Have a good day at school Robin." Robins mother ran inside to get out of the snow. Robin, who still hasn't moved at all. "Jordan" smiled and laughed and push her a little to lead her to the car. Niki was in shotgun and the two boys in back.

"I thought this was a dream!" Robin mumbled not wanting to be apart.

"Come on, we don't want to be late for our first mission now do we have a pretty big mission." Jordan told her.

"Sorry.." Robin continued in a whisper. "... I just ... I can't... I still can't believe this is happening. And to me of all people." Robin remembered her thought from the night before. "What if Beat's lying, are all of them lying?" Robin started to walking away from the car. Her eye started to change color and another, and again faster you couldn't even tell what the colors were anymore. Wind started to blow. "What if I die why are they helping me in the first place, What do they want from me?" The snow turned to hail." Are they going to be the one that kill me?" She thought to herself. Her eyes were watering. Everyone out of the car by now not having any idea whats going on, Carter tried to control the weather people started to come out of their homes to see what was happening. Niki directed Robin's the wind and shut all of the doors the hail prevented the from seeing out the window. Jack ran toward her. Robins eye turn red. Her head turned toward Jack her handed lifted up pointing toward Jack, he stopped all movement.

"You want to freeze huh!" Robin lifted herself into the air, her eyes turned sky blue. Jack was ice frozen. The ice glowed red and melted, Jack drenched kept walking. Robin haden't noticed his escape. Once Jack got into Robin safe circle there was not wind or sound could enter Robin's weather bubble. Jack looked out side Niki and others yelling trying to reason with Robin her eyes changing color faster than ever. Jack smiled.

"How did you get in." Robin said discussed

"I guess you could say I'm very talented with escaping quietly." Robin was so confused she seemed not to even know who Jack was. Jack walk toward Robin. "You can't do any magic in here, can you?" Robin paused and stopped all of her chaos out side of the bubble. Robin was still floating and the bubble still up.

"What do you want from me... ALL OF YOU!" Robin yelled.

"We all just want you to be safe." Jack approached Robin cautiously.

"Your LYING!!"

"NO!!" Jack yelled, he was more angry than when hes angry when Carter's around."Why are we ALL helping you? WHY haven't we driven AWAY!! WE ALL CARE about you!!" Robin started to calm down her eye color was changing slower and slower. She floated down Jack held her in his arm while she cried.

"I'm so sorry! To All of you." Robin said crying. They all got into the car. Robin lightly crying still in Jack's arms. Carter looking out the window in jealously.


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