Racer and Beats

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Racer and Beats

  The boy looked a little older then Robin and everyone else. His hair was in a Mohawk. His hair was half died red and the other brown. A comic book was covering his face. Robin wasn't sure what to say.

 "Um.. i'm sorry I didn't want to interrupt I was just told to go back to my desk." Robin tried not to make him angry. He put down his comic book and laughed.

 "I'm just messing with you. The names Racer." Racer and Robin shook hands.

"My names Robin."

 "Some future advice, when you introduce your self here use your nickname. The only people who can use your real name is the Captor Council. The people who send you emails and stuff." He smiled and picked up his comic book. Robin's new touch cell phone started to ring. Robin answered the call.

"Hello this is Rob... The Artist can help you." Robin tried to sound very professional.

 "Robin? This is Niki I forgot to tell you about this phone your using this is as company phone, you need take this on missions and it must be on you AT all TIMES. Even when you sleep because if something goes wrong at the base we need to be able to contact you."


 "Oh also is has unlimited talk, text, and Internet."While Niki went on and on about stuff she had already told Robin, Robin thought about how much Niki talked. And how she never noticed it. She laughed.

"What?" Niki asked.

"Nothing, hey Niki I have to go see you later."

"OK by..." Robin hung up before Niki could finished.

Robin laid back in her chair and sighed.

"Niki is a real talker isn't she." Racer laughed.

"Yeah." Robin turned on her new laptop. Something popped up on the screen.

"Type in your new password." Niki uses the same password for every thing so she wouldn't forget. She typed "newpuppy'' As the computer loaded up she asked Racer..

"Hey, do you know what we use these computer's for anyways."

"Well, I just play on it until I have to do something" Robin was messing with her computer, she changed her background to a baby panda,  and she checked her email and got a message from the Captors saying that her email is now included in the company's contacts and will get emails from the company's. That made her remember Jack and Carter's fight. Robin called Niki and asked if they were OK. 

 "Oh another thing I forgot to tell you there are people at the Captors base that have healing powers to, they should becoming up to their desk at anytime." Robin had another call  from a unknown number she answered. She answered as quickly as she could she Niki wouldn't keep talking.

"Niki, I have another call, bye." "Hello, this is The Artist can I help you?"

"Wow that was very professional." Carter was on the phone. "Did you find your desk OK." 

"Yeah I found it, are you and Jack OK."

"Yeah were fine were on our way up I just wanted to make sure you know how to use your phone."

"Yeah, Niki called me, to talked. A lot! And not just about the phone." They laughed. The elevator opened. Carter and Jack walked toward Robin and Racer.

"Hey Racer!" Carter and Racer fist bumped and Carter sat down. Jack said hello to Robin and sat in front of Racer. 

 "You haven't come to base in a while where have you been." Jack loaded up his computer. Everyone had a laptop cover Racer had a red and black "Bugatti Veyron" The fastest car in the world with the words "FASTEST IN THE WORLD" Carter had a cartoon thunder storm on his, and Jack's had several mirror reflecting different images. Robin didn't have one yet because she was a new member.

 "Yeah, Beat and I were sent on a really weird mission earlier. And I mean I have other thing to do other than sit in front of a computer all day. So I don't really come into the office that much. I thought you guys knew that." Racer put down his comic book and turned on his computer, as did Carter.

"Speaking of Beats, where is she?" Carter grabbed Racers comic book and looked into it. The comic book was covering a children's book about cars. Racer grabbed it out of his hand. Carter fell out of his chair laughing. Jack and Robin didn't see what was in the book but they laughed at Carter.

 "Wait, um do I know 'Beats'?" Robin asked Carter.

"I don't think you remember her because if you did I'd think you would know her." Carter stopped laughing for a couple seconds. When he started to laugh again, Racer kicked him while Carter was on the floor.

"OWW!" Carter stopped laughing then Robin started to laughed.

"hey 'Mirror's, didn't she have her memory erased. So she could remember right?" Racer asked Jack. Racer acted like he did nothing.

"Yeah, but she remembers a little bit like she remembered Carter and Niki. 'Memory' still doen't quite know what happened."

"Do you remember Jack?" Racer asked Robin.

"Um, yeah I just meet him today it would be a little hard to forget." Robin had a confused face. Racer looked as almost like he felt bad.

"Oh man, sorry bro." Racer handed Jack a real comic book. "Maybe it will cheer you up, it sure helped me." Robin was still confused. The elevator opened. A girl walked through. She had brown hair done in two buns on the side of her head, and black Dr.Dre head phones around her neck. She was wearing a black tank top with a neon green one shoulder baggy belly shirt that said "Music Is Full Of Colors!" and black long pants. Once she saw Robin she smiled and ran over and gave her a big hug. Robin hugged her back.

 "You don't remember me do you?" She walk over and sat next to Jack and opened her computer. Her laptop cover was a DJ booth with music playing. Robin could see how sad she looked.

"Yeah I remember you Beats." Robin smiled'

"I guess you really don't remember."


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