Jack's and Carter's Fight In The Dual Dome

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Jack's and Carter's Fight In The Dual Dome

Jack stood up from his desk. Jack was very angry no more than that he was furious. "Carter, why don't we settle our differences in the "Dual Dome" Everyone in the room gasped.

"Why are we still standing here." Carter headed toward the elevator. Niki followed him.

"So, Robin are you with me..." Jack smiled. "Or are you going with Carter." Jacks face quickly turned to disgust. Robin took a minute to decide.

  "I will ride in the the elevator with you but I don't want to choose side, ok?" Robin tried not to hurt his feeling.

"It's fine, I understand well, we should head to the dome" They left in a different elevator. Even though Jack was being kind to Robin she could still tell how angry he was.

 She was a little uncomfortable with his anger Ora lingering in the elevator like it was. The intercom turn on and Niki was in the intercom.

  "For those who would enjoy the sight of two of the top agents fight in the battle in the "Dual Dome" please make your way to the Dome now." Everyone stood up and ran in the same direction.

  "Shall we follow them?"Jack started to run after all of them Robin tried to laugh to hide the fact that she was worried. And ran after him. They walk down a slanted down walk way that lead to a HUGE underwater tunnel there was two doors with Jack and Carter's names on them.

"Are those dressing rooms?"Robin asked a little confused.

"Yeah, it has weapons and costumes." Jack smiled has he walked into his.

Robin waited outside of the two dressing rooms the two boys walked out at the same time. Carter was was wearing hilarious costume. He had a light green mask with a plastic green outfit ,and a darker green belt ,the belt buckle was a tree with a brown tree on it.

 "Not your usual costume ,Carter!" Jack was imitated. "I couldn't find my other one so I have to waer my back up" Carter sounded pround of his # year on pair Pj's

  The only changed on Jack was gloves they looked like biker gloves. "Lets give them a good show. What do you say Carter?"

"OK, I agree I will give them a great show." Carter laughed.

"Oh ya, i'll give them a better show." Jack huffed. They argued until they entered into the Dome.

Niki grabbed Robins arm. "We should probably head to the announcer booth." Niki was almost dragging Robin.

"I get to be an announcer!?"

"I think after the meeting the employee's of The Captors could use some fun like this and having one the announcers be The Artist could relive some stress.

 The view from the announcer booth was amazing. The Dual dome in underwater and the Dome is clear so you could see the coral under the sea and the fish there was a couple turtles and shark.

"The area around the duel dome is protected so no matter what hits it is cant break. cool right?" Niki Sat down in a chair in front of a microphone and gestured for Robin to sit next to her.

 "It's beautiful" Robin had lost track of time and started to get hungry. Her stomach grumbled.

 "What to see one of my favorite things about being an announcer?" Niki smiled as she pressed a button and a little fridge under the announcer desk opened. it had some pizza rolls ,some soda, and other snacks.

 "Yummy." Niki but the box of pizza rolls in a microwave beside the fridge and grabbed a two sodas and handed one to Robin.

 The crowd was higher than the fighting ground. Same with the announcer booth. The boys were all ready on the ground ready to fight. then Niki began to talk.

  "I'm here with our famous the talented ARTIST..... she will be announcing the Dual with me. So lets get started!!!" The crowd yelled and screamed in excitement. Robin figured she would make the most of things and started to announce the battle.

  "Carter and Jack are approaching each other and who will throw the first blow." Carter and Jack attempted to throw the first blow at the same time. And they both blew right into the wall of the Dome. "I guess they both did. Ow that must of hurt." Robin was trying to find out what their powers are but because they both blew at the same time she coulndn't tell.

  "And the next blow goes to... Carter, but Jack dodges the blow and shoots. And Carter's on fire, literally!" Robin jumps in "And how does he put him self out?WATER?! Is there a leek in the Dome or are is my eyes toying with me?" Niki said completely focused on the match.

 Jack smiles and sends tons of ice sickles toward Carter. "Jack has shown his opponent what he can do with landing almost the first three punches on Carter. Will Carter loose this match or will Carter start playing the game???" Carter has finally gotten to a position where he can get a good shoot and he takes it. The game is becoming more and more intense." Niki jumps out of her seat and shouts for joy.

  "And he hit him!" "Is Jack still able to fight?" Robin stands to see if Jack took the explosion OK. Robin continues. "Hold your horses folks I think this match might last for a little while longer." Jack stood up when Carter thought the match was over and threw a lightening bolt at him. Robin gasped. If Carter wasn't mad Carter was angry now. But he was still fighting.

"This is becoming a death match can the ambulances be ready please." Niki laughed trying to ignore the seriousness of the situation. Things became to progress faster and faster. They were throwing lethal blows and barely being dodged. They both shot and both hit... There was a huge smoke cloud no one could see anything. Everything was quiet for about ten seconds. Then Niki told everyone that the match was most likely over. When the cloud disappeared they could barely see but you could see that they needed medical attention. They could barely sit up.

"Crap another draw." Carter wiped off some dirt off him face. "This isn't over Carter." Jack said still not satisfied. Robin's phone started to ring. When she looked at the caller ID it said "MOM"


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