First Mission: Part one

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First Mission:Part one

Robin stood up and walked over to Beat's desk.

"Even if I can remember, I can still try." She reached out her hand and gestured a hand shake. Beats shook Robins hand. Beats looked at her computer and back at Robin.

"You should go to your computer before the game starts you still need to make you account." Beats helped Robin to her computer and pulled up a website. And asked the to make an account.



She logged in, the game was some sort of strategy game which Robin wasn't a fan of. A little sound went off on almost every ones computer in Robins group. When Robin checked her email it was an email form the Captor Council.

"[Very important, needs to read to end. Thank you]

-Captor Council

Dear Group 3/ Factor's

Please try to remember that your groups name, " The Factor's" is in fact the name of group 3. This is the email to indicate that you will leave for your first mission tomorrow. The missions you get will become gradually harder determining on how well you do your job. So please try your best. If you are having trouble with your missions you will become part of the team just below you and so on. It is the same conditions, if you are doing better you would go to the group above yours. Although there is a limit to how many people into a group. So if that group above or below is full you will have to wait until a spots open or you get better or worse in your missions. After you have finish your first mission please report to the first floor to take a picture for your group card. Each person has to slide their card to get into the cabin. So please have this on you at all times. You will leave for you mission as soon as you all get here tomorrow.

You will be given your first mission tomorrow,

The Captor Council"

The others emails were different but pretty much the same message but with some extra directions for each person. Everyone on Robin's table got that email but Beats. Robins old phone got a text. It was from "MOM"

"Are you almost done? It's almost nine o'clock." Robin replied.

"Yeah almost." Robin pulled her hair back. Carter and Jack looked at her.

"What?" Robin started to closes down her computer. Robin didn't say anything about the mission.

"Want me to help you home?" Jack and Carter asked synchronised.

"I asked her first!" Carter stood up and walked right in front of Jack.

"I think we should head back to the arena." Jack stared to walk forward, Carter back. Carter pushed Jack. Robin wasn't going to let them fight again or let her Mom get any more suspicious.

"You can both bring me home." Robin said pushing them apart. "I don't know where to go anyways. So I don't mind the extra help." After they said goodbye to Beats and Racer the three on them got in the elevator and when down to the first floor.

"Wait when did I even agree to work here, What am I getting my self into." Robin thought to herself.


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