Mom's phone call

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Mom's phone call

Robin tried to find a quiet place to talk. While Carter and Jack were given medical treatment Robin dragged Niki with her to hear the conversation. They ran into a small meeting room. When Robin answered the phone she put it on speaker.

"Hello" Robin was thinking of an explanation. She look at a clock on the wall in the meeting room. It was almost seven but it was still bright outside.

"Robin where have you been i've called you over fifteen times why didn't you pick up!" Robin's mother was almost to tears.

"I'm sorry mom I thought I told you." Robin was still thinking of an explanation. She looked at Niki.

"Told me what?" Robins mother was a little less stressed but still sounded worried. Niki jumped in to talk to Robin's mom.

"Robin's looking at clubs we might join at school. It takes a long time." Niki smiled. Robin could tell this was a common excuse.

"Well when do you want me to pick you and your friend up from school?" Niki jumped in again.

"No need my mom is picking us up soon but were going to get ice cream after."

"Wait a minute." Robin's mom sounded suspicious. "Why did you leave class to look at clubs?"

"...I have no idea what your talking about I was there the whole time maybe the school called the wrong person or marked the wrong person." Robin wasn't sure her mom was going to buy it.

"OK, as long as you try to come home quickly ,alright."

"OK love you mom."

"Love you to." When they were about to hang up a doctor walked into the room.

"Hey Niki someone need to talk to you by the ring."

"Robin who was that you don't have a boyfriend right!"

"No mom it's the ... club adviser. Love you got to go bye." Robin hurried and hung-up the phone. When she looked at her phone. It had Thirty missed calls from "MOM".

"I really need to watch that" She thought to her self." Niki and Robin walked down to the fighting ring with their half eaten pizza rolls. A man walked up to Niki.

"Whe're having a meeting in five minutes. So be ready to be called ,return to your office please." Niki said bye to Robin, Carter, and Jack. Before she left she offered to help Robin to her desk. But Robin said she remembered where it was but thanked her form the offer. 

As Robin walked toward her desk on the second floor she noticed one man on the entire floor and he was sitting right across from her desk. She tried not to scare him. And sat in her new desk. After a while he started to talk.

"Just because your somewhat famous doesn't mean your to busy to talk to me." He sounded angry.


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