The Cabin

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The Cabin

 Robin and Jack walk up the stairs to the cabin door and let themselves in. It looked like a normal cabin there was a little hall, in the middle of the hall way was two entrances the one on the right lead to a kitchen and dinning room and left lead to a living room. The cabin was a little dark. The walls were all brown and at the end of the hall was a giant moose head on an even bigger plaque. Robin walked in front of the huge moose head and looked into its all black eyes. The eyes almost seemed to be moving. Robin was a little startled and ran to catch up with Jack in the living room. Jack was sitting in a leather recliner in front of a warm fire. He gestured her to the seat in front of him. The living room had two more plaques. One above the fire place and another by a closed door at the other end of the room, that Robin assumed was a bedroom. Jack started to talk

"So what do you think? You haven't said a thing sence I opened the door." He smiled.

"The plaques are a little creepy, and it's a little dark, but its cozy." Robin got a little more comfortable in her recliner. "Now, we're to?"Robin stood up."

"Do you trust me." Jack said over dramatically.

"Sure?!" The fire was almost roaring. Jack picked Robin up and threw her in the fire legs first she scream and shut her eyes. But she was fine she was sliding down a gray tube slide. "It was a hologram?!" She thought. She laughed "I hate you Jack!" She yelled jokingly. Jack hadn't jumped in the fake fire yet. The cabin door swung open, then Carter ran through the open entrance that lead into the living room.

"To late Carter." Jack smiled and jumped in the fire.

Robin was all ready at the end of the slide with people crowding around her. Then Jack fell on top of her then Carter followed. Someone pushed through the crowd. A girl, Robin recognized her.

"CARTER!" She yelled excitedly as she jumped on top of the fallen people. She hugged Carter as hard as she could. But he pushed her away and hoped off the two people below him.

"I only got off because you were being squished." Carter said as he helped Robin up. "I didn't do it because of that stupid Jack." Carter had such a disgusted look on his face. "Let me show you around the base." Carter pushed through the crowd of people. There was so many computers and TV screens. Robin looked around in amazement. Then a girl about Robin, Jack, and Carter's age yelled,

"Now that we all saw the "The Artist" GET BACK TO WORK!" The lady that yelled started to run toward Robin and Carter.

  Carter stuck his hand and kept shoving her head away to prevent her from hugging him. Robin laughed, the woman stopped tyring to hug him and glared her. "Your not like I remember." She told her, you seem more rude. Back when you would just run and cry in the corner, I wish you would just run and do that now" She laughed then tried to hug Carter again. From that comment she knew it was Niki.


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