The Flashy Intro

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The Flashy Intro

As the boy walk in circles around Robin as if he was almost inspecting her, he stop at the front of her desk. With elbows on her desk and hand on his chin and his unusual smile, he was almost and inch away from Robins face, he asked

"So, you remember me?"

Robin blushed as she jumped out of her seat. To embarrassed to answered. The entire class was frozen in shock, the teacher almost seconds away from passing out. The boy laughed as he walked towards Robin. Robins hair had fallen into her eye again. He lifted the hair out of her eye.

"Has your eyes changed color yet?" The boy said smiling.

Jessie stood up. She was not surprised anymore.

"Now that you mention it's been happening a lot lately. Like just earlier, her eyes changed purple and a purple, glittered giant pencil was in her hand and I couldn't figure out how she got it." Jessie said carelessly.

"Perfect, wait purple pencil, like the one Niki made me play with!" The boy said excitedly.

Robins pupils enlarged.

"CARTER!!!" Robin wasn't embarrassed anymore.

"I guess you would remember sometime, but I'm surprised you remembered so quickly." Carter was amazed.

"So quickly!? I've never forgotten! The only things I forgot are you and Niki!" Robin didn't show it but she was happy to of meet him again.

"I've never seen a scratchy memory erase from Jacob. I better tell him about this. The Captors won't be happy about this" Carter seemed worried

"Robin, you need to remember who have you told about Niki and I."

" I-I-I only told Jessie."Robin pointed and Jessie

Carter walk over to Jessie.

"Please tell me you didn't tell anyone about Niki or me." Carter was really worked up now.

Jessie looked very confident. "I didn't tell anyone at school."

Carter had a moment of relief.

Jessie continued "But I did tell a lot of my family and extended family" Jessie closed her eyes and expecting to be yelled at.

Carter's moment of relief ended. Even though it wasn't a lot of people they couldn't take any chances. "Robin, we need to go now." Carter was trying not to freak Robin out to much. Robin was confused.

" Where do we need to go so badly. Um I am kinda in the middle of class."

The entire class was dead silent and starring as if they were watching a movie. Mrs.Carrol was passed out in her teaching chair knowing that see was going to be blamed for the ceiling.

Carter knew they need to go now unless the wanted to destroy the school and injure many people. Carter ran toward Robin and put her over his shoulder and jumped onto Robins desk and hopped in to the hole in the ceiling.Robin had so many mixed emotions, she did know what to say. Robin and Carter were about to leave the school by the attic. Robin stopped Carter.

"We can't leave. What about the roof?"

Carter had to think but then he wanted to show Robins class what Robin's real potential was. Carter smiled. "Image the color of the ceiling remember what it looked like before out a hole in. Image it being fixed."

Robin was confused at first then her eyes closed and she couldn't hear anything but Carter's voice echoing throughout the small space. Robin eyes changed color. The color of the ceiling the piece of ceiling on the floor started to disappear and the ceiling started to repair it self.

When it was all over Robin had passed out because of the amount of energy used to replaced to ceiling. Carter was impressed by the power she possess. He lifted her up and carried her out of the school. After she wouldn't wake up he carried her on his back and hopped so high,quickly, and fast no one could see them in a matter of seconds.


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