Jacks Secret Door

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Jacks Secret Door

After Jack got away from the crowd of people he walked into what looked like a break room. As Robin went to talk to him about his unknown talent she heard a voice. She stopped and hid outside of the room.

"Hello, are you here." Jack looked around the room. Then he heard a voice.

"Who do I welcome with open arm?" The voice sounded suspicious.

"Who other than the agent who completed his mission only here to report." He said smiling but still annoyed.

"Your supposed to say the password all cool like all the other agents! Come on Jack, say it properly!" The voice changed. It sounded like a very demanding little girl.

"I have never said it before so why it today any different." He smiled.

"Fine I will let you in, but next time learn the password." "Did you invite a friend Jack?" She said as secret door way opened it looked like stairs going up it was dark and small.

"Like I would invite a friend without Koloa's permission." Jack laughed and walked up the stairs. The door started to close. Robin ran to try to catch him before the door closed, but it was to late. She ran into the wall instead.

"Oww!" Carter ran in to see what had made such a loud noise.

"Are you OK" Carter helped her up. "What are you doing here? And wheres Jack!?" He said demanding

"I'm fine, and I thought I saw Jack in here but I guess not." She didn't want to tell Carter about the door, because she didn't want to get Jack in trouble.

"Missed him again!" Carter tightened his teeth. " He always disappears after a mission even if its not his and I can never find out why. Well anyway we better hurry or else were going to miss Niki's lecture." Carter crossed his eyes. They laughed as they left the room. A bigger group than before was crowded by a screen. Niki was standing on a platform pointing at a man on a screen.

"This is Dominic, he's the leader of our most wanted group "The Invisible's". For those who aren't aware..." Niki glared and Robin while Robin was standing next to Carter. " The group changed their name after the journalism department or now know as "The Invisible's" was kicked out of The Captor's for giving us very false information, causing us to loose agents to different groups. For now the journalism department has different people employed . Their still trying to get revenge for being kicked the out so harshly. Their such baby's." As Niki when on with her report Robin asked Carter

"What does she mean kicked out harshly?"

"Let's just say Niki can get pretty carried away when she's angry. It took us 7 months to fix her harsh banning." He laughed quietly. Robin tried not to laugh.

"After this battle he ended up destroying half a town and we had to erase the towns peoples memory. That was the day we captured Dominic and his entire group. Or that's what we thought. This is why you are here, Dominic and his group escaped. I guess we didn't capture the entire group after all."


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