The Training Begins

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The Training Begins

"My name is Clay, i'm your new trainer." Clay reached down and grabbed Robin's ear and pulled her up.

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" Robin said as Clay pulled her ear. Clay brought her into a elevator. Jordan followed. Clay pressed a button. The lights in the elevator changed into different colors. Clay said something in a different language. When the elevator started to move the floor number didn't change. Clay still had a hold of Robin's ear. Robin had to lean down so Clay didn't rip her ear off. Robin wasn't aware what was going on or where Jack, Carter, or Niki went. Or why Jordan was as clam as he was, other than the fact that Clay had a hold of her ear.

Once the elevator opened, Clay shoved Robin to the right where a girl was standing. Robin had bumped into her.

"I'm sorry, all you alright?" She asked. She was around nineteen with her light brown hair up in a pony tail, with "Adventure Time" scrubs on.

"Yes i'm all right?" Robin wasn't sure why she was asking that question over a small run in. "Maybe out of courtesy?" Robin thought to herself.

"Great, this way please." She smiled. She was walking down the opposite hall as Jordan and Clay.

"Aren't we um, going the wrong direction?" Robin ask the girl.

"No, there going to the boys changing room, and were obviously going to the girls. I guess you could go that way but I don't think they will let you." She laughed.

"O'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name, my name is Eve, i'm the girls changing rooms manager. Here, it's almost like everything here has got a manager." She laughed again. They walked into a locker room with about Seven changing rooms. There was so many lockers. Robin felt a little lost.

"Eve? Is that her nickname or her real name?" Robin thought to her self.

"Your locker is in the "C" hall" As they kept walking Robin noticed letters on the area above the lockers. Niki popped out of nowhere.

"There you are I was waiting for you." Niki was some sort of uniform.

"That's the factor uniforms. They coordinate with each persons ability's." Eve gave Robin a blue key.

"This your key to get into your locker. You should put of your uniform to see if it fits alright." Robin opened a locker Niki pointed out. The locker was smaller than Robin had expected. her uniform wasn't what she expected earthier. It was a dark purple shirt with white shorts. "The Factor's" was printed on the front. Robin's nickname was printed of the back in a white cursive font. After she put it on, it was a little baggy but it was bearable. When we were all finished we walked into a huge metal dome.

"..." Robin and Niki stopped and stared at Carter. He was in that really weird tree costume, with that weird tree belt buckle, flexing his muscles. Eve laughed like some sort of mad scientist laugh. Eve ran back into the girls changing room. You could still hear her laugh ih the c hangeing room. Jack wasn't in the room just yet. It was just Niki, Carter, and Robin.

"Oh hey Robin I didn't see you there." Carter was obviously lying but tried to play it cool.

"Um... Hi Carter wheres Jack, Racer, and Clay?" Robin asked while trying not to laugh.

"Jack left his gloves inside the Duel Dome healing area thing or what ever. I'm not sure about the other two." Carter wasn't sure what he was talking about. Niki ran over to Carter.

"What happened to your other costume?"

"I can't find it I guess some one washing it or something?" Carter guessed. Racer came running though the doors,

" Is Clay here?" He asked.

"Nope he hasn't gotten here yet." Niki told him. A fly buzzed by Carters ear. He swatted at it. Jack came running after Racer Panting.

"Well, what now." Robin asked. Jack slid against a wall and sat on the floor trying to catch his breath. The fly landed on his shoulder. Jack was to tired to swat it away after chasing after who's talent was speed.

"Should we get started?" Niki asked.

"What are we gong to do?" Racer asked.

"Yeah if we do anything to reckless we could get hurt." Jack had caught some of his breath. The lights switched off and a red light flashed three time with a loud alarm along with it. The Factor's covered they're ears. The ground started to tilt to the side, there was a black hole at the bottom of the floor, and it didn't look like a very inviting place. The dome was growing in size. The Factors fell and was sliding on the floor aiming for the black hole. Due to the lose of gravity. It became harder to breath. Their body gradually becoming lighter. Everyone started to screamed.

"Is the gravity disappearing or i'm I imagining things?!" Jack screamed. You could barley breath now and they were all almost floating off the ground. Jack thought of a great idea

"ROBIN, use what ever you did to make your weather bubble!" Jack pushed the words out of his mouth. Robin could speak to tell him she didn't know what to do so she started to make random movements. You couldn't breath anymore. Robin was still trying to create her bubble when a gust of air brew passed her. She was still holding her breath.

"You did it Robin! I think." Niki tried to swim through the air to hug her. She moved bit by bit but she eventually go over to her.

"Now what?" Robin asked. "I can hold this big of a bubble for much longer" Robin was already starting to have problem with holding the bubble.

"She's right." Racer said. The floor started to move back to floor level. Jack noticed the fly was still on him. He swatted at it and "POOF" Eve came out of nowhere. Robin couldn't hold the bubble anymore. The room was back to normal. No one had noticed until they hit the ground. Eve smiled.

"Clay told me to watch you guy and help in anything went wrong." Eve smiled again.

"Why didn't you do anything then!" Racer glared. Before she could answer Clay walked in with a smile.

"OK, I had my fun back to the control room Eve, for the rest of you good job on your first day of training." Clay walked into the boys changing room.

"I'm not sure if that guy is crazy, or if he is just cruel." Robin said shocked.

"AGREED!" Everyone laughed and walked back to get changed.

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