The Start

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The Start

Robin was working on homework her math teacher had just given the class. And her teacher started to talk about the paper every one rolled their eyes.

"This paper is due tomorrow but you only have to do the front side, I will be timing you on the other side tomorrow." She said as her raspy old voice traveled around the room.

Everyone in the room moaned. Robin's shining black hair swooped into her eye. As she lifted her hand to move her hair her friend tapped her on the shoulder from behind and she handed her a blue sticky note. The note said

"Will you let me copy your home work"

Robin looked up are her her blond hair in a pony tail and her brown eyes and her puppy dog face. Robin giggled. And wrote on the note.

"Sure, but are you ok with my grades dropping like this Jessie? Still want to copy?"

Jessie smiled as she read the note. Then nodded. The teacher started to stare at the two of them and walk by inbetween their desks and started to talk lounder that usual.

Mrs.Carrol glanced at Jessie

"I am here to teach you. I already know this stuff. So you should, PAY attention."

Then she glanced and Robin.

"And you should stop passing notes

They looked at the floor while the class laughed.

"You my class, have nothing to be laughing about your no smarter than the sack of potatoes I bought yesterday at the store"

Mrs.Carrol returned to the front of the classroom and returned to the lesson. Robin and Jessie smiled at each other. Mrs.Carrol told the class a problem and then, we all started to write. The scratching reminded Robin of her of the giant pencil that Niki her preschool friend had. She never let anyone play with except Carter.

"Wait how would I know that" Robin thought."I've been starting to remember my preschool. I wonder if I can remember why their were important" Robin smiled

Lately she as been remembering more and more about her preschool. And while she tring to remember why. She had completely forgot about the math problem.

"OK who's got it"Mrs.Carrol looked around the room. Robin tried not to make eye contact. But then she noticed the giant pencil in her hand, that was never there before. She looked at Mrs.Carrol.

"Robin!" She smiled "Could you be a dear and and answer this question!"Mrs.Carrol expected a lot from Robin being a strait A student. Even with falling grades in almost everything but math Mrs.Carrol was still pretty confident.

"I'm sorry I have seemed to of dosed off" Robin tried to put it in the nicest way she could.

Mrs.Carrol started to walk Toward Robin. " You have been day dreaming a lot lately and I think you should..."

She was cut off when all the sudden the ground started to shake. Dust was falling from the ceiling. People were screaming and jumping under desks, then all the sudden... it all stopped. People started to causally get up from under their desk and sat down quietly.

"BOOM!" something fell through the ceiling and landed right on top of Robins desk. Dust filled the air. You couldn't see what it was, dust started to clear. You could see a silhouette of a person with a little Mohawk, and when the dust cleared. You could see the blond colored hair of a boy, and his blue eyes. He hopped off Robin's desk and smiled at her.


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