Thirty One

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"Why didn't I know about this?" I ask, holding the letters of support for Cassana. "House Dondarrion, Connington, Selmy, Tarth-"

"For whatever reason, the queen has kept this hidden from you your grace," Bolton says. "It appears her treasonous nature doesn't just extend to her own blood but to her husband."

My blood boils but my heart is cold. Even with the kingslayer gone and these letters in my hands I still can't believe it. What I can't believe even more is that her and my mother seem to be in this together.

"Why would my mother assist her in treason? She can't stand Cassana."

"Taken as a hostage perhaps," Bolton suggests, but I shake my head.

"She wouldn't stoop as low as to take my own mother prisoner," I dismiss, sensing something else is afoot. "Leave me."

He nods and leaves to the chaos outside, Lord Karstark demanding the Kingslayers head which he claims my wife has robbed him of. She is rash and impulsive, but the one thing she isn't is a fool. She would never do something so reckless if she had another choice. But even then Tywins letter to her is clear in my mind, to kill her uncles and me to be put on the throne. Except if that was the case then she wouldn't have done it like this, she would have been more clever. 

Whatever treason my men claim she's done with no warning is too reckless for her to have done alone. There's only one reason my mother would have gone with her willingly, and that is a prisoner exchange. Just as the answer is on the tip of my tongue Talisa comes to me.

She stands there with her hands clasped, wide eyed and nervous.

"What is it?"

"These men are lying to you," she tells me, looking over her shoulder at them before saying quietly under her breath. "I watched them draw blades on your wife and put her in chains before throwing her in the stockade with Jaime Lannister."

I stand up, fury and confusion taking me at once, only one question leaving my mouth "Why?"

"Because she is a Lannister and they were out for blood," she says, clearly afraid to be telling me this. "The Kingslayer and her would have been dead before dawn if they hadn't escaped, I saw them."

Immediately I'm putting the letters down preparing to leave. "Which way did they go?"

"East," she answers. "Your mother and wife, along with Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister."

"Thank you Talisa," I say, heading for my horse without further explanation to my men.

They put my wife in chains, it wasn't her who committed treason, it was them.



What was a fleeting thought in a moment of madness has become treason, which may well end with my head beside Jaime's if we don't pull this off. We find shelter in the sept near the closest port. Brienne deals with Jaime, having permission to beat him if he chooses to use his tongue to aggravate, leaving Catelyn and I to talk strategy.'

"I called my banners and Ser Barristan is gathering them," I begin as we figure out our plan from the port. "We sail to Storms End where they will be preparing to lay siege." I move my finger across the map before us. "It's only a short sail from Kings Landing to there, we will take Storms End and have them bring Sansa to us."

Catelyn is cautious, the letter to be sent to Tyrion in her hand. "How do you know you'll be able to take the castle."

"I've learned a thing or two from your son," I tell her as I roll the map up. "And I know politics. The men holding that castle's loyalty is no doubt torn by this civil war, and they'd know by now Stannis is fighting a losing war whilst I am the Queen of the Stormlands and the North with two armies at my back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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