Twenty Two

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By the time I reach Renly's camp I've grown delirious. I didn't dare stop for fear the Gold Cloaks would find me. Once I've reached the outskirts of the camp I attempt to climb off my horse only to end up falling hard on my side in the mud. I force myself to my feet and hold my head high. I've escaped the capitol and now I'm running back into the arms of the man who betrayed me.

He will know my wrath.

I enter the camp and the men step back, turning a shade paler as I walk past, still saturated in blood and mud.

"Is that?"

"By the gods that's the princess!"

"I thought she was dead."

The men begin bowing their heads in respect, with some coming to kneel as I pass.


I have not been forgotten by my people.

Then I see one man I recognise.

"Oh gods Cassana," Loras stammers in his useless pretty armour as I approach him "The blood"

"Where is Renly," I ask and he points towards a large crowd of men.

I approach and hear the unmistakable sounds of a melee tournament. The crowd quickly parts and I step into the clearing, pushing past the two men duelling to stand before Renly. 

He turns pale as he sees me, his eyes wide with fear as they should be.

"Hello Uncle."

He runs down from his place high above to embrace me but of course stops himself at the sight of me, not wanting to dirty his expensive clothes. 

"How- how did you escape?"

I look him coldly in the eye.

"I escaped after Joffrey sent men to kill me," I say holding my blood stained hands up. "But I suppose you wouldn't know, you left me for dead."

He gapes at me while the men surrounding us murmur amongst themselves. Renly grabs my arm and roughly pulls me aside to drag me to his tent.

His fingers did into my fragile arms as he pulls me inside "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's the truth!" I explode pulling my arm free and shoving him with what strength I have left. "You promised, you swore yourself to me then you disappeared in the night like a fucking coward!"

"Yes I ran, but I did not leave you for dead."

"Yes you did!" I scream shoving him again. "Where were you when I rotted in those cells? When Joffrey had an executioner put a blade at my neck? When he sent his guards to rape and murder me!"

He swallows hard and raises his hands "Cassana, I didn't know, I didn't know he would- did they?"

"No," I say touching the sword at my hip, but my nails are so much sharper. "But they tried. You were supposed to protect me! I loved you Renly and you abandoned me when I needed you!"

"Cassie- no!"

I launch at him with my claws, sharp as a lions and it's only when Loras wrestles me from him I feel the skin and blood beneath my nails and bare my teeth in satisfaction of the scratches left deep along his face and neck, having become an animal after being caged for so long.

His voice quakes with pure shock "Cassana, I'm sorry. I am so sorry."

I fight against Loras, screaming "And you had the audacity to call yourself king after you betrayed me!"

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