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As we wait for the dawn I cannot stop my hands from shaking, but I'd be a fool if I wasn't afraid.

Tonight we are seizing the crown prince and the queen, it will not be without consequence.

With the men of Storms End it shall be done, Renly's men. I need his men more than Stannis's fleets. I'll make him my hand and heir to keep him loyal, then Stannis and then Shireen. 

There will be very few Baratheons left once my father dies, four. Myself, Stannis, Shireen and Renly. We need to build our house, create a legacy. Once I am on the throne and Joffrey and Tywin have been dealt with then Ned can return to Winterfell, to his wife and family while I figure out my next steps.

"Will there be bloodshed?" Bree asks, knowing my plan.

"Most likely," I answer. I am a soldier's daughter. Bloodshed doesn't frighten me. "At least we are prepared for it."

"Once dawn comes you'll be on the throne," she says, although I've dreamt of it for so long it still feels so strange knowing the time has come "You've told me what Joffrey is and I've seen it. You have to do this."

"And I will."

I know what Joffrey is, better than anyone. He is a cruel boy, a sadistic boy. I do not want to imagine what a cruel, sadistic king will be capable of. 

The first signs of dawn begin to emerge, an hour til the sun rises most likely.

It's time.

"Bar yourself in here," I order finding the proper metal bar. "Do not open the door for anyone but me."

"I'll be alright," she assures me as I open the chest that sits at the foot of my bed "It's you that needs to be careful, if one of the Lannister guards pulls a sword on you-"

Buried beneath piles of books and clothes find the sword Jon gifted me "They won't expect me to be armed."

"Can you use that?" she asks eyeing it warily.

"Ser Barristan taught me," I answer. "I'm prepared."

In my closet I find Jons cloak and secure it around myself to hide the sword. Men underestimate women, if they don't know I'm armed I can work it to my advantage.

"Now go," she says proudly. "Take your throne."


The halls are devoid of Baratheon men as I find my way to Renlys chamber. I rationalise that he must have them readied somewhere, however I can't ignore the sick feeling in my gut.

When I find his room it is unguarded. I put my mouth to the door and whisper "Renly." I knock sharply on the door but there is no answer. "Renly," I say a little more loudly trying not to draw attention to myself but as the fear comes to my mind caution is forgotten "Renly open the bloody door!"

My hand touches the door handle and finds it unlocked. He never leaves it unlocked. Reluctantly I enter and Renly is no where to be seen, as are his belongings. The feeling of betrayal crashes upon me as brutally as the waves of Storms End as I run to the window and in the moonlight see the silhouettes of a hundred men riding south.

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