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With tears blurring my vision without warning I push open the door to my mothers chambers only to be stopped in my tracks as I find her in my uncles arms.

"Mother," I say shakily and she jumps away from him a little too quickly.

"I didn't hear you come in," she laughs breathlessly as she composes herself but I don't miss the look her and Jaime share. The same look they shared in Winterfell.

"Cassana," Jaime greets calmly and after a moment of awkward silence he dismisses himself.

"Are you alright?" my mother asks as she sees the look on my face, pure shock from both the letter and what I just walked in on. "Cassana?" she asks uncertainly and I quickly try to compose myself as I silently hand her the letter.

I avert my gaze from her and try my best to push the suspicions from my mind. There is only one Lannister I want to deal with right now.

"He's disappointed in you," she sighs heavily as she reads over it "It seems you truly are a Lannister now."

"He also wants Pycelle to inspect me," I tell her and as expected her eyes burn. She is the one person who would put a stop to it, who would protect me.

"I will not let him touch you," she says fiercely "I will tell my father that the inspection was carried out and Pycelle will remain quiet."

"Thank you."

Yet she still looks at my stomach "Now, are you-"

"It's not true," I promise her, wishing that someone would just believe me "I meant it. I'm not pregnant."

She still looks doubtful "Cassana I'm not a fool, I was young once as well. If the boy got you pregnant-"

"He didn't!" I insist and after a moment of hesitation I confess "I drank moon tea. I made sure that didn't happen."

She looks me in the eye and although it's clear she's disappointed there's something else. She knows I'm a woman now, no longer her little girl. Then again, was I ever her little girl?

"I see," she says more calmly than I expected but her voice turns cold as she asks "Did he ever force you-?"

"No," I answer firmly knowing that neither Jon or Robb would ever do such a thing. "Never, he's a good man. An honourable man. I did it because I love him, not because I wanted to act like a harlot as my grandfather called me or a common whore as you have."

Guilt fills her eyes and she nods in understanding "Well I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, you've never been a proper little lady, you're not just your fathers daughter but you're also my daughter-" she begins before cutting herself off but I find myself wondering if she's not as innocent as everyone thinks, and the fact no one thinks she's anywhere close to innocent only concerns me more.

"No I'm not a proper little lady, I'm not an empty-headed pretty face that recites poetry like a songbird. You never were either and I may be your daughter, but I am also my fathers daughter."

She raises an eyebrow. "And what do you mean by that."

"My father led a rebellion and overthrew the Mad King, do not think that I do not have his blood in my veins for I am capable of just as much as he is, but unlike him I don't plan to sit on my ass drinking and whoring myself to death."

Her eyes are proud but also fearful "Then what is it you plan on?"

The words fall off my tongue before I can stop them "I do not want to be a proper little lady obediently managing my husbands household. That is not me and you know it."

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