Twenty Eight

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We arrive back to the camp and Robb follows me as I storm to Renlys tent prepared to give him hell. 

"Cassana," Robb warns as my men cast wary glances at me but I'm not listening. 

"No, if he wants to destroy our house then he can be held accountable," I decide. "By me."

Renly's guards let me through and when I enter he's sitting at his table with Loras eating an apple as if tomorrow is going to be just another joust and I don't hold back.

"Are you a fucking idiot?"

"You are speaking to the king," Loras warns.

"I'm speaking to a fool," I correct and he jumps to his feet with his hand on his sword then looks behind me to where Robb stands with his already half drawn.

"Everyone calm down," Renly drawls. "Put your swords away, we can kill each other tomorrow."

"No!" I snap. "Do you have no regard for our House?"

"When this is over a Baratheon will sit on the throne, that is my regard."

"House Baratheon will die if you do this."

He falls quiet knowing there is truth in what I'm saying but Loras just laughs.

"Don't be so dramatic," he says then looks past me  to Robb. "I am very sorry my king failed to warn you of his niece's hysteria."

I strike him across the face and he gapes at me while clutching his cheek and I enjoy the sight considerably.

"Lannister bitch," Loras curses drawing his sword and I half draw mine in return and hold up a finger to keep Robb from attacking him.

"Do not forget I am above you," I warn. "You could best me easily with a sword but I am the one who could order your head to be removed so watch your tongue."

"I will tell-"

"Who?" I ask knowing he can't threaten me. "Renly is right here hearing every word I'm saying and frankly I want him to hear it so he can remember that I actually have some standing!"

"Enough, both of you!" Renly scolds "And Loras you should know by now not to insult a girl with a temper."

"A queen," Robb corrects and I smile to myself as Loras steps lowers his gaze and I look to my husband proudly "She is a queen."

"Yes but not the queen," Renly reminds us.

"No but I am still hand to a king," I remind him and he looks bitter. "How many are there now, five? I've lost count."

Robb doesn't look offended but I know how much Renly hates being humiliated in front of Loras.

He clears his throat "Are you just here to yell at me or is there an actual purpose?"

I stand undaunted as I glare at Renly unafraid.

"What do you think will happen if you kill Stannis? You'll just exile me north to be a child rearer and keep Shireen on Dragonstone until you can marry her off to a husband who'll keep her away from your throne just as you've tried to do to me since a married girl couldn't possibly beat the claim of a man, unless that man doesn't have an heir."

He freezes and I realise what I've revealed. "Cassana, the only reason I want to send you north-"

"No," I say harshly. "Robb told me everything and how dare you try to blackmail my husband into making me his prisoner just because you can't stick your prick in Margaery!"

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