Twenty Six

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My eyes are fixed on the candle flame as I seal my letter to Jon. My goodbye. I owe it to him to tell him before he hears it from the mouth of another. My eyes move to the bed and I still remember that night, all of it. My treacherous pleas and his mouth between my thighs. My pleas for him to stay on my lips and the false promise we would leave whatever passed between us in Winterfell.

Oh, how wrong I was.

It was real, no matter how much it feels like a dream. And that one night may just haunt me for the rest of my life.

My thoughts of his head between my legs are only interrupted when the door opens. I expect it to be Robb coming to bed, but it's someone far more disappointing.

"I told you to be gone."

Littlefinger holds his hands up in his defence. "I'm leaving, but first I have a letter for you."

I don't move to greet him, so he invites himself in.

He extends his hand and there is indeed a letter. However, my stomach churns when I see the Lannister seal.

I reach out to take it, but he pulls his hand back. "I trust you haven't mentioned that pesky little dagger to Robb."

"No," I lie. "If I did, they'd kill you. Robb would set Greywind on you and as much as it would please me, I'm afraid I should prevent that from happening."

He looks at me curiously. "And why are you stopping them from murdering me? You threatened to do it yourself if I remember correctly."

"Sansa," I answer. "I'm not giving Joffrey any excuse to hurt her."

"Very wise," he praises, placing the letter in my hand. "I'm sure you will find a way to send a reply. I won't overstay my welcome."

Before he leaves, I call out, "Wait!"

He looks back at me and I ask "Can you ask my mother and Tyrion to look after Sansa? Please."

He smiles mischievously and I feel sick. "Anything for Catelyn's daughter."

He leaves me wondering if Joffrey isn't the only threat to her and I look at the letter in my hands. Reluctantly, I open it and go cold as I immediately recognise the writing.


End this nonsense now.

Let Renly and Stannis go to war and destroy each other, kill two stags with one arrow. I know you are in the Stormlands and that Robb Stark is marching there to secure an alliance. He is a traitor to the crown and our house. Upon the end of this war, he and those who support him will lose their heads. Considering Ned Stark died for yours, it would be a shame to lose it. Marry Robb Stark and cement yourself in his council, learn his movements and report back to me. Be my spy and your treason shall be pardoned.

If you give me his head, I might just put you on the throne. Be wise. Love is fickle, but power is not.

If you do exactly as I say, I will find a way to lawfully put you first in the line of succession and unseat Joffrey. He is unfit to rule, but the extreme measures you took to usurp the throne have tarnished the Lannister name, and you will atone for it.

If the High Septon permits, you will marry Jaime and take the Lannister name, not just to atone but to keep our house in power and establish a dynasty. If the Faith rejects this union on the basis of incest, I will intervene. Regardless, you will marry a Lannister and take the Lannister name, as well as name me Hand of the King.

You are not a fool and despite your treason, you have always been the most suited to rule. You have the cleverness and the temperament to rule with Jaime by your side to keep you in check and put a child in you that will continue the Lannister dynasty.

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