Twenty Nine

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Stannis murdered his own brother using dark magic because he was too cowardly to face him in battle. Then he stole my men and my army after Loras turned them against me. Even Margaery was trying to stop him.

Stannis, Loras, that Red Woman.

They have made enemies of me and they will all suffer for what they have done. Not today or tomorrow, but someday. I know the path to that throne will be a bloody one but no more bloody than if Joffrey remains seated on it.

I was trained to kill my enemies, and I will.

Now my only regret is not striking while I had the chance, I thought I could reason with Stannis for the sake of our house but now I know that will not happen.

Next time I see him I know what must be done.

The door opens a crack and I know it's him again. Silently he walks over and offers me a bowl of soup but I shake my head knowing food won't fill the void in me. Wine might though. He sighs as he sets the bowl down on the table and sits down beside me.

"You need to eat love," he tells me for the hundredth time. "You won't be able to plot your way out of this if you're dead."

"I'll eat when I have Stannis' head on a spike," I reply stubbornly and he sighs again as he sits down beside me, rubbing my back with the caution one might use when petting a hostile cat.

"Hate alone can't keep you going, but food can."

"So can wine."


"Later," I say trying to hold onto my train of thought, trying to figure out what Stannis' next move is.

He's already got the ships but he'll have to spend time organising and regrouping the army. I'll have to ask Robb the specifics of how long that would take. While I've taken care of the finances, resources and such for Renly, as a commander Robb knows the military aspects far better than I do. But I do know the loyalties of the men are divided even if they did flock to him out of fear.

As much as they love me they fear him more.

"Please," Robb pleads softly. "I'm actually worried you might collapse on the road if you don't. Come on love, for me? Please."

He gives me those eyes and I reluctantly accept the soup then quickly welcome its warmth, until now I hadn't realised just how cold it is this far north.

Robb runs his hand over the goosebumps on the exposed flesh of my lower arm "You cold?"

I brush him off. "I'm fine."

"I'm just trying to be a good husband," he says raising his hands in his defence before taking my hand in his. "It would be a little easier if you'd talk to me."

I look down at our joined hands and watch his thumb run over the back of my hand. He's my husband. He's Robb. If there is one person in this whole god forsaken world I should trust, it's him.

My voice comes out thicker than I expect "I've lost everything, Robb."

"Not everything," he says squeezing my hand. "I'm a king, I understand love. When Father was imprisoned I was doing everything right just like you were. When we defeated Jaime's army I thought we'd won but we didn't. When I saw you standing up there you looked like more like a king than any I've ever seen. I know how hard you've fought, I know how frustrated you are, because so am I. We both know that if they just listened to you we wouldn't be in this mess but we are. I'm a king and you're a queen and we're fighting the same war. I understand. If you don't want to talk to me as a wife to a husband then talk to me as a queen to a king."

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