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Robb and I had spent the rest of the feast drinking and laughing together alongside Jon and Theon.

While I do find Theon somewhat reprehensible I do like Jon. Blunt and honest, something very rare where I'm from. A bit broody perhaps but one can hardly blame him. I can't remember the last time I've ever spoken with someone so naturally, that wasn't family. He is someone I could trust.

And Robb, I never expected a man like him. It still doesn't feel real. Yet there is this hesitation I cannot shake, a fear of allowing myself to trust him.

The fear that he could be wearing a mask just like I am. A mask that I've worn for so long I'm afraid there is little left beneath it.

A knock on the door distracts me from my own thoughts and as soon as my eyes meet his I can't hide the joy that surprises even myself.

"Robb," I smile as my cheeks flush. I have missed him these past days, something I did not expect.

"Cassana," he says returning the same nervous but excited grin.

"Well this is certainly a nice surprise," I exhale as he takes my breath away. Gods he is easily the most handsome man I've ever seen, and his voice gives me goosebumps. While many of my objections were for good political reasons that damn smile makes me overlook them all.

He looks somewhat bashful as he asks "I was wondering if you've seen much of the North outside of Winterfell?"

After a moment of thought I answer "No, I don't believe I have."

There's this wildness in his eyes, one I want to explore. He extends his hand "Come with me?"

"I'd love to," I answer as I take it. "It certainly has been a while since it's been just the two of us."

The mere touch of his skin against mine affects me in ways I didn't know were possible. I never knew that skin against skin could feel electric. That a touch could go straight to the very heart.

"Not since the feast," he remembers. "I've asked about you but your Septa tells me you've been busy."

"You have?" I ask as I realise the Septa certainly didn't tell me this but I'm unsurprised. She doesn't believe boys and girls should be alone together, even if they are to be wed, considering my immediate liking to Robb it isn't a bad judgement on her part. And there's no doubt my mother had a word with her, and Jaime as well for that matter considering she's replaced Ser Barristan with him to watch over me. But thankfully Jaime is nowhere to be found this morning.

"Of course," he says squeezing my hand. "I was a bit confused as to why you hadn't gotten back to me but then I put two and two together and realised that your Septa might not be passing my messages along, so I thought it's about time I came and saw you myself."

So he has been trying to see me, he does care.

"My mother's been hellbent on keeping me busy," I mutter, however my voice lightens as I stroke his arm. "I've missed you, Robb."

"Have you now?" he teases and I can tell he is a little cocky. Just a little, he's not arrogant or pompous. He has just the right amount. Perhaps I have a bit more than just the right amount.

"Would it be improper to admit that I miss the man I'll soon be bedding?" I ask just to see the look on his face and he is utterly speechless.

"Your Grace," he gasps in false shock. Well not completely false but he goes along with it. If anything he seems intrigued. Then again he is a man and I just mentioned sex. I'm not sure how taboo it is here but in Kings Landing, I can count the brothels from my window.

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