*Chapter 12: Monkey Business*

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The monkeys are throwing fruit at Baloo who tried to chase them down with Tailsy. But the monkeys outsmarted him and made him trip over a vine and fall down the cliff. Tailsy gasped and look down at the bear. The young squirrel looked up at the monkeys who retreated back up to the trees with Rayna calling for help. What did the monkeys want from her?
Rayna was swung around the treetops by the monkeys. They all laughed as she yells at them, trying to hit them but no avail. Rayna grabbed a nearby vine and the monkeys hang around her, giggling. The girl glared at them.

"What do you guys want from me?!" She demanded.

"We're the Bandar-Log, girl-cub! Our king has heard so much about you!" One monkey said, hanging upside down. "King Louie sent us to find you!"

"Yeah! He has a word with you!"

"Today is your lucky day!"

"But we have to see if you are cool enough!" Rayna has so many questions. The monkeys were sent by their leader. She didn't think there is a king of the Bandar-Log. How come she's never heard of the king? "Come along, girl-cub! We'll teach you how to groove!" The monkey said, jumping down on the canopy as Rayna lands next to him. He started to sing as he is teaching her how to dance.

"Hey there, girl-cub!
Now let's see if you are cool.
Cuz in that department we here monkeys rule.
We don't waste no time with our feet on the ground.
We're up in the air just fooling' around!"

Rayna repeated what the monkey did by moving her body around and did some backflips. The monkeys clapped for her. Rayna smiles as she did some dancing of her own.

"Now you human types, you're kinda square,
Looks like you've got thumbs just everywhere.
You can hardly climb, you can barely swing,
Let's see if you can do the monkey thing...
Cuz we got all the rhythms, and we sure know how to swing 'em,
And we sure know how to throw a great party.
Now if you've got the groove, you can join the fun and move,
And go bananas in the coconut tree!"

"Good, girl-cub! But the test isn't over yet!" The other monkey says as he took over for one. "Think you could do more tricks?" He did some backflips and did a handstand with one hand. Rayna doubts she could do a handstand with one hand, but she won't till she tries.

"Okay, girl-cub!
Now that was pretty good,
You're even doing better than I thought you would.
Looks like you want more, like you didn't get enough.
So let's move on to the serious stuff!
It's time to pull out all the stops and prove, that you can do the crazy monkey moves."

Rayna had tried a handstand but failed. But she did some belly dancing and a spin and a backflip. The monkeys were impressed by her moves so far. They then led her out of the canopy. Rayna wasn't sure which part of the jungle their king lives, yet she is kind of looking forward to meeting him since the monkeys mean no harm to her. Rayna laughed along with the monkeys as they all swing on the vines.

"Funny moves, quick moves, jumpin' around,
Do a flip, a back flip, and make a funky sound!
Cuz we got all the rhythms, and we sure know how to swing 'em,
And we sure know how to throw a great party.
Now if you've got the groove, you can join the fun and move,
And go bananas in the coconut tree!"

Rayna could see the ancient ruins from above the trees. She had never seen those ruins before. Two monkeys pull her forward and they guide her to the entrance of the ruins. Rayna looks around in awe. One monkey brought out a chest and hand it over to her.

"Change into this, girl-cub! You can't see King Louie looking like that!" He said. Rayna opened the chest and see the red dancing outfit. She walked into one of the rooms to change out of her clothing.
After a few minutes, Rayna came out with her new look. The top is red with some gold beads, and the bottom is red with a see-through long skirt. She is wearing a gold anklet, and a gold armband. Her shoes were removed for this look.

"Wow." Rayna says as she looks at the fabric.

"Not bad! Now, give us one last test!" One monkey said. Rayna started to dance in her new clothes. She uses the see-through skirt to twirl a bit.

"Shake it, girl-cub!
Now give it all you got.
You gotta strut your stuff if you wanna reach the top.
You really gotta know your monkey boogie, if you wanna meet King Louie!
Cuz we got all the rhythms, and we sure know how to swing 'em,
And we sure know how to throw a great party.
Now if you've got the groove, you can join the fun and move,
And go bananas in the coconut tree!"

One monkey came down by hanging his tail on the tree branch and placed a flower crown on Rayna's head after she finished her dance moves. The girl smiles as she felt the flower crown on her head. She feels like a princess. The monkeys clapped for the girl and led her inside the ruins.

"Now let's go meet King Louie!"

Rayna followed the monkeys. As she walks inside, she could hear monkeys chattering and music being played. Time to meet this King Louie.

Bagheera hurried back to where Baloo and the others were after hearing Baloo calling for the panther. Baloo climbed up on the cliff as Tailsy stood on the rock. Bagheera made it to the edge of the cliff and let out a roar as Baloo screamed his name.

"BAGHEERA!" Baloo called loudly. Bagheera's ears were ringing and made a scowl at the bear. "Oh, you heard me, huh?" Bagheera ignored the question, and he looked around for Rayna.

"Rayna? Rayna!" He called. "Alright, what happened you two? Where's Rayna?" He asked. Baloo got up on his feet, making an angry look.

"They ambushed us! Thousands of them!" Baloo said.

"Who did?" Bagheera asked.

"It's those monkeys! They took Rayna away!" Tailsy replied. "They carried her off!"

"To the ancient ruins." Bagheera said as he realized where the monkeys took Rayna. "Oh, I hate to think what will happen when she meets that wild unruly king of theirs."

"King?" Tailsy wondered.

"What are we going to do, Baggy? How are we gonna get that kid out of there?" Baloo asked. The panther began to think. It wouldn't be wise to just enter the ancient ruins without a plan. Those monkeys are crazy like their king. Bagheera let out a sigh as he thought of someone who could help. It will be risky, but he didn't have a choice. "Bagheera, you got an idea. I could tell!" Baloo said.

"You're not going to like it." The panther told him. "But the only creature who could help is..." He made a gulp. He took a deep breath and look up at Baloo. "Shivani."

"What?!" Baloo gasped. "Oh no! Not her! Anybody but her!"

"Who's Shivani?" Tailsy asked, looking up at Bagheera.

"She's a snake." Bagheera replied. Tailsy's ears lower in fear. "As I recall, the monkeys fear her most. Shivani is a century old. She is one of the wisest snakes in the jungle. She knows the past and future." The flying squirrel was fascinated by it but wasn't sure if Shivani is unlike any other snakes.

"But no one has lived to tell the tale. It's crazy to ask that snake for help." Baloo said, shaking. He really didn't like the thought of that wise snake to be on their side for this mission. Still, he had to get Rayna back from the monkeys.

"Baloo, there is no other way. Rayna needs us." Bagheera said, turning to the direction where Shivani could be living. "I can't do this alone, Baloo. And Tailsy, I know you are afraid of snakes-"

"No. I'll go." Tailsy said as he climbed up Bagheera's back. "As long as that snake isn't going to eat us, then I'm coming along. Rayna is one of my best friends, and I will help her. I'll do better unlike I tried to distract Kaa."

"I admire your bravery, Tailsy." Bagheera said. "Just stay close to me and let me do all the talking. Not sure what mood Shivani would be in."

"Who says you two are going alone?" Baloo spoke. "Now, come on! We have a girl-cub to rescue!" The trio head off into the jungle to find Shivani. Bagheera didn't want to show how nervous he is to meet this snake. He hasn't seen her in years. But he must prepare for the price he could owe her for this mission.

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