*Chapter 15: Man in the Jungle*

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Somewhere out in the open of the jungle, there is a village with people. There are huts, farms, and people finishing up their chores before the sun sets. Two men walked out of the village gates. One young man has black hair, brown eyes, wearing white attire with a black vest, and light brown shoes. His name is Elias. The old man has a gray beard, wearing a turban and white attire, and hold a gun.

"Elias! Wait!" A male voice called. Elias turned back to see a young man run up to him. "If you see anybody out there, please inform me." The old man, Buldeo, heard this. He made a look and walk up to the young man.

"Hunar! Enough of this!" He spoke. "It's been 15 years! Your sister is gone! She's dead!" Hunar opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Ever since he and his family were attacked by that tiger, he believed his sister is still out in the jungle. Hunar has short black hair, wearing tan pants, and on his back, he has a scar. He was almost killed by Shere Khan those years ago but saved by Buldeo. "Come, Elias. We have to hunt for fish." The old hunter said, turning away to walk across the bridge. Elias took his spear and gave Hunar an apology look before following Buldeo. Hunar sighed a bit.

"Dear?" His wife, Sari, spoke as she walked up to him. "Do you really believe your sister is out there?"

"I don't know. Something in my heart tells me she is." Hunar replied. "I didn't want to believe she's gone. But...it has been so long since..." He paused. Sari wrapped her arms around him. Hunar turned and kissed her on the lips. His hand went down to her stomach. She is heavily pregnant. "Let us go back to our hut. You need rest." He said. They walk back inside the village. Hunar took one last glance at the jungle across the bridge before following his wife.

Elias has caught 5 fish with his spear and place them in the basket while Buldeo is guarding the lake. But they didn't know that Rayna was watching them from above the trees. She was about to catch some fish for her and Bagheera, but she heard curious sounds and hid in the tree. She was surprised to see two men in the jungle. It could mean that there is a village nearby. The man village.

'The one in the water hunts like me.' Rayna thought as she watched Elias putting another fish in the basket. She couldn't help but to blush at the sight of his face. He is handsome. Her heart is beating. 'Why is my heart beating so fast? Why do I feel hot on my face?' Rayna thought to herself.

"I think this is enough, Buldeo." Elias spoke as he picked up the basket and put it on his back like a backpack. "Thank you for coming with me."

"A tiger is out there, Elias. Ever since that day, I want to look for that tiger." Buldeo said, following the young man. "Now Elias, have you found a young lady who caught your eye in the village?"

"Buldeo, please. I just haven't found the right girl. But I know she could be out there. I want her to have the same love for the jungle as I do. Care for the animals out there." Elias said. Rayna smiled a little as she listens while quietly climbing on branches. "I can sense her laughter in the ripples of the river. I can see her smiling in the moonlight as it settles on the jungle trees." Elias continued as he walked with the old hunter. Rayna blinked as she follows them. The things Elias says about a girl sounds just like her. Could Rayna be the one for him? But Rayna doesn't know much about these humans and what the village is like.

"There's plenty of girls in our village. One lucky girl will be your wife someday." Buldeo told the young man. Elias rolled his eyes, smiling a bit. He found a pink flower from the vine and pick it. He smiled and sniffed it. He looks above the trees. He loves the nature of the jungle so much. One day he will explore the jungle without Buldeo or any hunter. After they left, Rayna climbed down the tree and watch them, she wouldn't dare follow them. She isn't sure if they are really friendly or could be dangerous. They do hunt animals as Bagheera told her. No wonder Shere Khan hates man. Except Elias who seems friendly. He has love for the jungle himself.

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