It's Gonna Be A Long Flight

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I'm leaving my home. But it's for a good reason, truly. I'm leaving to go see my best friend, but we both know we mean more to each other than we let on. I threw a few more things in my bags and then went downstairs after taking on last longing look at my emptied bedroom. I sat down at the table and then waited patiently.
"We're leaving tomorrow morning at four, Y/n. Make sure you're ready," my mom said as she sat down, handing a plate to me. I nodded as I eageryl bit into my food. To see him again is like a dream come true. Especially after him being away for nearly half a year.
"Yep. I'll be ready," I said as I quickly scarfed down my food. I washed the dishes and then dried them all and took my dog out for a nightly walk. When I got back it was nearly ten and I threw a pillow on the ground in my living room and then fell asleep on it. Tomorrow would be the second best day of my life. The first best day was meeting him. And now I can relive all of that happiness and joy again a second time.

The next morning I woke up to an alarm ringing through my head. I groaned and lazily flipped over, slamming my hand over my phone to hit the stop button. I managed to turn it off and then stood up and nearly walked into a wall in my sleepy state.
"Y/n, hurry up!" my mom called as she turned on the lights. I blinked as my vision turned black for a second and then adjusted to the proper lighting. I quickly got dressed and grabbed some food and sat down. I shoved it all in and then stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder, heading out the door and into the crisp breeze of New Jersey. It was only October and it was already freezing.
I stepped up into the U-haul and then sat down as I waited. The flight would leave at five so we would be there at around 7 in this time. That means it would be 8AM in Tokyo, Japan. Great.
I stepped into the airport and then plugged in my airbuds and sat down in a chair, waiting for our flight to be called. My dad was in Japan waiting for us since he was staying with a few relatives there. My cousins lived there. I do have some Japanese blood in my veins. Not all of one blood. That'd be boring.
"Flight 12. Please board the plane," a speaker announced. I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my bags, and then stole the window seat from my mother.
I waited for the plane to take off and then blasted my music and sighed happily, staring out of the window. I placed my hand on the cold glass. Maybe he's thinking about me out there like I think about him.
I sighed happily again and then closed my eyes and slept. It's gonna be a long flight.

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