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The surprise was nice of Ryoma, especially considering that he's not a very open person, much less someone who would willingly hold up a giant sign with a hand-drew heart on it. He's just not that type of person.

Honestly, I would've been happy if he had just given me a little hug. Sadly, I just got him a new tennis racket and a few cat toys for Karupin . . . don't look at me like that.

My plan is to head back home for a while for Christmas break and then come back to continue school with Ryoma. I'll still be in contact though, but I'm supposed to go on vacation with the rest of my family.

Since my cousins and my dad live in Japan, we all decided we'd go to the United States of America for Christmas break in order to let them have some fun.

Two weeks of vacation. We're headed to Florida and the flight is in another week.

I feel bad about this, but I probably should've told Ryoma sooner.


"Ryomaaaa!" I had called when I threw open the door to his home, sticking my head in before fully entering the doorway.

"Oh, Nanako," I say, spotting her cooking in the kitchen with her hair up. "Is Ryoma here?"

She frowned, pursing her lips for a second. "He's out back with Ryoga."

With Ryoga? I make a face. I bet they're just running around and shouting at each other.

"Ryomaaaaa!" I shout as I make my way to the back door, sliding it open and glancing down when I walked into something.

Nanjiro? "Do you have to lay in front of the door?" I say, raising an eyebrow at him as I put a hand on my hip, my eyes glancing down and catching sight of his porn magazine.

"Do you want me to tell Nanako or your wifey that you're reading another porn magazine again?" I tease, wagging a finger in his face.

He jumped to his feet, beckoning me through the doorway and out to the yard area. "No! No! Anything but that!"

I shake my head and grin, trying not to laugh as I closed the door behind me and then looked around, Ryoma running in front of Ryoga.

"You can do it, Ryoma!" I shout, my hands cupped around my mouth. He turned to me, quickly glancing at me before his pace sped up and he ran behind the bell pedestal.

I flinch as I see Ryoga slam face first into one of the poles, his hand rising to his face to cover it as I saw a small trickle of blood fall.

"Oi, oi, Ryoma," I say, holding my hands out and waving them down towards the grown. "No need for violence."

He scowled and looked away, shoving his hands in his pockets. " . . . Fine."

"Y/nnnnnn," Ryoga complained. "He gave me a bloody nose."

"It's your fault for chasing him," I reply, arching an eyebrow at him until he went silent. I rose a finger in the air, pointing it at Ryoma. "You still shouldn't have done that. But I still love you."

I grin and Ryoga started to clap his hands, grinning like crazy at the two of us before Nanako stepped out onto the back deck area.

"Ryoga!" She called. "Come in, please. I've got some ice and frozen meat ready for you. Come on. Pick yourself up, please." She turned to us, smiling. "And Ryoma-san, Y/n, dinner will be ready at six if you want it."

I nodded before turning back to Ryoma.

"You know how Christmas break is in two weeks, right?" I say, approaching him. He nodded. "What are you doing for Christmas break?"

"Dunno," he shrugged.

"Oh, okay. Uh, so I've been meaning to tell you this, but I'm not really gonna be here for Christmas this year," I say, pursing my lips as I waited for his reaction.

"I'll still be able to talk to you, right?" Ryoma asked.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Okay," he shrugged. "Where are you going?"

"Florida. My cousins have never been to the US before so we planned to take them there this year," I pause, studying his features for any clue of what he was thinking. "I'll make sure to talk to you every day though."

"Okay," Ryoma said, tilting his head slightly in acknowledgement. "Are you staying for dinner?"


I mean, I'm glad he didn't mind, but isn't that a little too nonchalant? Meh. Whatever. I know he cares about me, and that's all I need to know.

I don't care much about anything else but that anyways.

Ryoma's opinion is what matters the most to me . . . Obviously I still care a bit about my parents' opinions, but you know, right?

But Ryoma is the king in my world. My love, my life, and my boyfriend. Sure, sure, he can be cold sometimes, but that's just who he is. Ryoma Echizen.

And the love of my life, of course.

-November 24, 2023
-December 10-18-20, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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