Incorrect Quotes

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Steph: "Interns wanna be residents, residents wanna be attendings..."
Jason: "And attendings just wanna be left alone"

Jason: walking quickly through the cafeteria "I'm invisible, I'm invisible, I'm invisible..."
Steph: "Oh, Dr. Todd!" Runs after him
Jason: "Awww, dang it!"

Tim: "what are you talking about I'm perfectly healthy"
Dick: "last week you took a nap on the autopsy table, you're so pale they mistook you for one of the bodies"
Tim: "they realized I was alive before anything happened"
Dick: "only because someone said coffee and you jumped up, you freaked out all the trainees, it took ten hours to convince that one guy to come out of the supply closet"

Duke: "Prison is an ugly place to get killed"
Tim: "I will be sure to put that in my report under bonus features, Duke Thomas, life behind bars"
Dick: "You'll have to forgive him, he's still mourning the loss of the break room coffee maker"

Jason: "And why should I choose you for the case study?" Crosses arms
Steph: "Because I'm the smartest intern in this place"
Jason: "Is your hand stuck in that vending machine?"
Steph: "I paid for a candy bar I'm getting my candy bar"

Steph: "Jason is no longer allowed to talk to the med students"
Duke: "why?"
Two days ago
Jason: "who on earth makes that mistake? Should I talk slower or do I need to get a nurse who speaks fluent moron"

Steph: "You made me the doctor I am today"
Jason: "You can't blame me for that"

Steph: "Any first-day wisdom you want to share with me?"
Jason: "No matter where you go in life, always keep an eye out for Johnny, the tackling Alzheimer's patient" looking down at clipboard
Steph: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Patient: tackles her from out of nowhere "Who am I?!!'

Tim:"Clothing, $85. Earrings, $30. Latte, $4. Getting away with murder..."
Duke: "Priceless?"

Dick: "Hey, look what I found a knife with blood on it" points to the already labeled knife
Tim: rolls eyes "Hey, look what I found dead guy"

Inspecting a crime scene
Tim: "It looks like the victim was hit by a wine truck"
Dick: "I guess you could say the drinks were on him"

Steph:" I entirely forgot! Today's your birthday, isn't it?"
Tim: "Is it?"
Steph: shakes his hand "Happy Birthday Sorry there's no cake"
Tim: "Next year you bake me an extra big one?"
Steph: "I shan't forget"
Tim: "No cinnamon, it makes me sneeze"

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