Incorrect quotes 3

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Tim:reading menu "What's the tiramisu?"
Waiter:"Basically a sponge cake soaked in coffee"
Tim:"I'll take fifty"

Rose: drowning "Roy throw me a line"
Roy:"Okay, what's a nice girl like you doing in a ocean like this"

Wally:"Come on you can tell me, I tell you everything"
Damian:"And I keep begging you to stop"

Rose:Making a mix drink
Damian:"How strong is that?"
Rose:"One sip of this and you'll forget your best freind"
Damian:"Make mine a double"
Rose:"You don't drink"
Damian: looks over his shoulder to see Wally doing something stupid "I do now"

Tim and Rose shopping
Tim, who hasn't slept in a week: picks up bottle "Why would a mango need body wash?"
Rose:"Mago scented"
Tim:"How would a mango send body wash?"

Roy:"So what's it like being married"
Tim:"Rose and I said I do and haven't agreed on anything since"

Dick:"I made cupcakes" lays pan of cupcakes on counter
Jason: picks up cupcake and hits it against the counter "what did you make these with cement?"
Dick:"These are perfectly good cupcakes" crosses arms "Ro ask me to make them for her team every week"
Ro:walks in side "Thanks Uncle Dick"

Dick: "You're welcome" Hands her a box of cupcakes "Now don't eat too many"
Ro:"We don't eat them, we use them as baseballs"
Jason: burst out in laughter
Dick: :(

After Tim almost dies because of a shellfish allergy
Rose:"Why didn't you tell me you're allergic to everything?!!"
Tim:"I wanted to be mysterious"

Damian: sitting in his room minding his own business
Jason: burst in the room holding a guitar "Damian guess what!"
Damian: "What?" looks up from his work
Jason: 🎵"I just wasted ten seconds of your life"🎵

Jason:"Hot dog anyone?"
Dick:"You're suppose to be the lookout"
Jason:" I'm looking out for my stomach"

Wally and Damian training younger super heroes
Baby Jon: misses target for the fifth time
Damian:"Now listen here you little-"
Wally: jumps in "Angel you are doing an amazing job"
Damian:"What do you think you're doing?"
Wally:"Dude, you can't yell at Connors younger brother like that unless you want to start a war"
Damian:"hmmm, it would be a good training exercise"
Wally:"Please don't start a war"

Tim:"Tell Rose I love her and I'll be back soon"
2 hours later
Rose:"Where's Tim?"
Jason:"He ran away something about wanting his freedom"
Tim:"Honey I'm home"
Rose:"You want freedom, I'll give you freedom, from your teeth!"

Rose and Tim looking through Bruce's photos
Rose:"Wow, he has more pictures of us then we do"
Tim:"He likes us more then we do"

Cass and Steph: over in the corner playing a made up game
Tim and Roy: also play their own made up game
Wally: turns to Damian "They look happy, why don't we have a game?"
Damian: "Would you stop asking me why don't we have stuff? "Why don't we have a song? Why don't we have a movie?" We're men"
Wally: "I thought we were sensitive men"
Damian:"We're not"
Wally:"One of us is" turns away pouting
Damian:"Shut up!"
Wally: "And it's not you"

Introvert Tim using Rose to get out of hanging out with people
Tim: on the phone "Sorry I can't came tonight my wife won't let me"
Tim:hangs up phone "I love being Married!"
Rose:"Stop that your making me look bad!"

Tim:"We need a distraction"
Jason: "leave it to me"
5mins later
Jason:standing on top of a truck holding his guitar
Dick:"What is he doing?"
Jason:🎵"Today is going be the day they're going throw it back to you"🎵
Damian:"Trying to get killed apparently"
Barbara:"Please tell me Jason is not standing on a truck playing wonder wall"
Cass and Steph: clapping

Steph :"come on we never ask you for anything"
Tim:"You guys literally ask me for everything"
Jason:"Then what's one more thing?"

Wally and Damian helping out the younger sidekicks
Wally: "Its okay buddy let those emotions out"
Damian:"NO! you put those back in right this second!"

Tim:"You're giving the trick or treaters raisins?"
Damian:"They're nature's candy"
Tim:"Yeah and eggs are nature's hand grenades"

Tim: What's up guys? I'm back.
Bruce: "What the- you can't be here. You're dead, I literally saw you die"
Tim: puts on cool guy shades "Death is a social construct"

Damian:"In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds"
Damian:"No! Four to five seconds!"
Wally: already hugging him "Too late!!!"

Rose: handing out popsicles "Which flavor do you want?"
Bart: "Blue flavor!"
Rose:"Uh, you mean Blue Raspberry?"
Jason: Blue flavor! Blue flavor!
Rose: "Blue is not a flavor!"

Tim:"I'm a second tier vegan"
Damian:"How so?"
Tim:"I eat things that eat plants"
Damian: glares secretly trying not to laugh

Jason:"Can we take a quick break?"
Damian:"Your last quick break wound up being a 95-minute lunch"

Tim hurt his leg falling down the stairs so Damian sent Jason to cheer him up
Jason:"don't worry I wrote a song to cheer you up" pulls out guitar
Tim:"Please don't"
Jason: ignores him and starts playing guitar 🎵"Getting blow up by a clown, or break you're neck falling down"🎵
Tim:"Please stop"
Jason:🎵"Dumb ways to die! So many dumb ways to Die"🎵

Rose:"You actually bought a skateboard park?"
Talia:"Yes, well, nothing but the best for Jason's birthday"
Rose:"It's Tim's birthday"
Taila:"Yeah, whatever"

Damian:"Will you people stop adding me in group chats!"
Tim: creates 50 new group chats and adds Damian to all of them
Jason: "You are my hero"
Rose: "Please don't encourage him"

Tim:"Are you crazy?"
Roy:"You seem upset"
Tim:"Yes! Yes, I'm upset! There's a killer in the bathroom!"
Roy:"Oh, he's my Cousin, he's not a killer, He was a thief, and a loan shark and... there was the occasional assault with a deadly weapon but he was not a killer"
Tim: sarcastically "Oh well, what the heck? Give him my room!
Roy:"Well, I didn't think it would be fair without asking first"

Wally:"Jinx is a perfect cinnamon roll that has never done anything wrong in her entire life"
Damian:"Never done anything wrong?! She set a city block on FIRE!"

Damian:"Since I'm going to be Batman now I think it is time I pass down the mantel of Nightwing to Dick"
Tim:"Are you sure about that?"
Jason:"Yeah remeber what happen to the Robin suit?"
Damian: cringes "Yeah but he's almost adult now I'm sure his fashion choices have improved"
Dick: Standing on top of a building in his Discowing suit
Jason:"Yeah, I'm not patrolling with that"
Damian:"Mistakes were made"
Tim:"At lest he kept the pants this time"

Jason:"Bart is going to propose to Cass?"
Steph:"I thought I told you not to tell anybody"
Jinx:"I didn't but the people I told did"
Steph:"Please tell me no one told Cass"
Jason and Jinx:"of course not""
Rose:"I may have texted her congratulations..."
Tim: working on Cass phone opens text
Text from Rose: Congratulations on the big news♡
Tim:"...Cass is pregnant?"

Rose:"Seriously do you have to do every dumb thing Tim dose? What if he jumped off a cliff? Are you going to jump too?"
Roy:" If Tim were to jump off a cliff, he would've done calculations regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes, If you see Tim jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff"
Rose:"Oh, go jump off a cliff!"
Roy:"Gladly, provided Tim did first"

Rose:"Come on say mama"
Tim:"No say Dada"
Baby Ro: "Da..."
Tim:"Yes that's it!!!"
Tim:"I'm going to kill him!"
Rose:"Not if I do it first!"
Jason: setting on the ground with Ro "Dami you can do it say Dami"
Steph:"What are you doing?"
Jason:"Tim dog eared one of my books so I'm trying to make Ro say Dami before she says Dada"
Steph:crossing arms "That's way to cruel"
Jason:"He also said you wear to much purple"
Steph:"How dare he!" bends down next to Ro "Come on Ro say Dami"

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