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Hi! Sorry I've been really inactive on this story, schools catching up with me and so is writers block.
But here we are :)

(Eclipses pov)

There's a rustling at the window.
It's midnight.
And there's a rustling at the window.
How something even managed to climb up here is a mystery to me.
But it wakes me up all the same.
I look out of the window, and now there's nothing there, but a shadowy figure escaping back down the road.

A small note on the windowsill.

I pick it up. The paper is creased and stained in some corners. As if somebody was holding it between their clammy fingers. I carefully unfold it, and written on the inside, red ink, is the words:
Meet at the [PizzaPlex]. No excuses this time.

ACT I  A Fully Dysfunctional Family (S.A.M.S opposites day AU)Where stories live. Discover now