Content Warning!
Cursing/foul language
Mentions of anxiety
Mentions of attempted suicide.

[Moon's pov]

It eventually got too much.
     And the anxious fire  overwhelmed me completely, until I found myself sitting on the edge of a road, cars screaming past me, swerving out of the way to avoid impact.
     Angry yells and beeps filled the space around me.

I didn't move.
I could feel their anger, their disgust burning through to me, as the watched.

The whispers all around.
I stayed.

A man with dyed blond hair approached me, hesitating a little as he got closer, as if I were a wild animal, ready to attack.
Maybe I am.
Inside, I am.

     The way he looked at me, repulsed. Shook me roughly.
"Here, you little bitch! Get the hell out of our fucking road."

Another spoke.
"It's that shithead animatronic from the PizzaPlex."


"What a pervert. Those poor kids..."

"Slutty bitch."

"He's not even listening to us."

"Probably on drugs, like that other one. What was his name?"

"The blue one?"

"Yeah. It was Lunar."

"Dude was a crackhead."

"I heard he tried to drown himself in the lake."

"Oh really?"

"I sure hope so."

"Serves him fucking right. He was the worst. Killed seven."

"He deserved it"

I broke.

I broke down

I couldn't listen to them anymore.

It was destroying me.

I ran, ignoring the voices, the voices, following me close.
I could feel their breath.
Closing in, like hawks.


I was smashed into pieces.
I shattered at the lake,
Eyes fixed into the dark water, as if it could somehow snatch my thoughts.

I screamed out for somebody, anybody.

A light on the water.

Shining over the scattered pondweed, layered with dark blood.

Eclipse hugged me tight from behind.
"Oh, Moony, brother..."
I could feel him sobbing.
"Lunar... He..."
"I know."

And the black water enveloped me too.

ACT I  A Fully Dysfunctional Family (S.A.M.S opposites day AU)Where stories live. Discover now