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   Four bright eyes peek over the piling snow, waiting for cars to pass. One set is silver, and the other heterochromatic, dappled in violet and gold. Faces appear with them, a set of shortish animatronics replicating an overused design, with open wires poking from behind their heads. Multicoloured and child-like, both with a set of rays surrounding their face.
One tugs at the latters arm, and the pair fall out into the road, surrounded by speeding vehicles. They weave through these large metal boxes, and end opposite to where they were. Exchanging a celebratory handshake, the two, carefully carrying a large computer monitor, crush back through the powdery ground. Wires of their own circuits and the computer's drag behind them, unraveling least to either of their notice.

A disguised steel building comes into view a while later, and the silver-eyed taps at the door until it is opened by a different figure, this with a more complex design, purple shirt slung over one shoulder and a silver charm against her neck. She has similar rays, but the edges are shattered and stained with something dull that could be blood or dirt.

The door clicks behind them as the third enters, and pass a table covered in various pieces of broken technology and circuit-boards. The monitor is added to the mess of back and white.
     The two younger animatronics smile smugly at their great accomplishment, and the other connects it up.
     "Thanks kids. We'll have this running in no time."

The two grin, and scamper away to the only other room, leaving her to work.

ACT I  A Fully Dysfunctional Family (S.A.M.S opposites day AU)Where stories live. Discover now