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Beyond Grateful

Thanks for all the collided universe just to make me smile brightly ✨

Thanks for all my best reader in this galaxy. Your support is all of me.

Sebelumnya, I never thought that I maybe the winner so far since I late update and I don't promote this story well. But, who know that the universe give another butterfly hurricane so 'What Should I Call U(s)?' come to be one of winner dari AGT 2022. Wow. ✨🤍

Tahun lalu, aku ikut AGT 2021, alhamdulillah lolos seleksi sinopsis. But, sadly, aku mengundurkan diri di tengah-tengah. Not any kind of reason, hanya ngerasa I can't write that type of genre or theme. Besides, gempuran skripsi bener-bener bikin aku lost of writing. This year I try again. Sempat ngerasa pesimis di awal karena aku nggak prepare apa pun setelah tahu lolos sinopsis. Di saat peserta lain sudah update di hari pertama, aku berangkat di hari kedua. Di saat setiap hari peserta lain update, I only update just 3 part in a week. Di saat peserta lain sudah upload promosi mereka di IG or TikTok, I still do nothing. In week 2, aku baru upload promosi di IG dan itupun hanya 9 feed untuk 2 bulan ke depan.

But, we dunno something in the future. Our lost or win, ins and outs, unpredictable. 🤗

I know, aku punya banyak kekurangan di tulisanku. But I will, I can guarantee, I will learn again and again to prove that I deserve it. 🥺

So here, I want to say. Thank you very much. Thanks for all the committee, editor and all my friends in one group.

 Thanks for all the committee, editor and all my friends in one group

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Happy to show that.

And last but not least. Thanks my muse.

 Thanks my muse

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26 September 2022

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